Tuesday, February 16, 2021

February 15, 2021

 Up at 0630.  It was very cold, 6, and snowing.  Nancy said no outside walk this morning.  She is heading to Woodland Mall.

I did my at home calisthenics before having a bowl of oatmeal with banana.  I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, 20 minute stationary bike ride and a mile walk.  

For the first time in almost a year I took a quick shower at the Y. Dressed and headed to Panera.  Bought a croissant and coffee.  I used the gift card Nancy gave me for Valentine Day.  It is now 1200 and I am the only customer in Panera.

Today is President’s Day.  No mail or stock market.  President’s Day did not become an official holiday until 1971.

Finally some good news on the coronavirus front.  The number of cases are going down nationwide.  Most of the seniors I know have had their two shots.  

You can tell that we are deep into winter.  The road crews have all the bugs worked out on there plowing strategy.  Roads are cleared efficiently.  Drivers are use to driving on snow covered roads.  We have not missed any events because of weather.

In this cold weather I try to keep the bird feeders filled.  We have a number of very pretty birds visiting the feeders.

This afternoon I did take a short nap.  Monday dinner consisted of Cheerios with fruit, toast and prune juice.  I checked the sugar content of the Prune Juice Light that I been drinking every evening.  I had misread it.  Too much sugar.  I will discontinue soon.

I have put on 5 pounds since we started sheltering in place.  Should it be called the Coronavirus 5.

After the news, we watched The Sinner on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched the Iceland Cop show. 

Checked the front yard at 2200. It was snowing and 12.  I shoveled about an inch off the walk.  Another four inches of additional snow predicted for tonight. 

FaceTime Debbie and Missy tonight.  Everything ok. 

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