Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 26, 2021

 Friday February 26, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked outside.  It was sunny and 22.  Today I decided to walk to Y.

Nancy will go walking at 0900.  She will also walk outside.  We have to be careful walking outside because of hard to see icy patches.  Yesterday Nancy took a tumble.

After at home calisthenics and breakfast I bundled up and walked to Y.  The walks were for the most part clear.  It is 1.75 miles from condo to Y.

The Y was crowded this morning.  I had trouble finding a chin-up bar.  Calisthenics and a short walk before walking to Panera.

As always this morning I read the Alpena News.  I was surprised to see a front page story on Gymnastics coach John Geddert.  Coach Geddert was involved with Larry Nasser in USA Gymnastics.  He was recently charged with several crimes involving women gymnasts.  He committed suicide several days ago.

Geddert was a graduate of my high school.  He graduated in 1976.  I graduated in 1956.  Geddert was a member of the Alpena Sports Hall of Fame and was given a key to the City.

Pleasant walk home from the Y.  It helps to have wind at back.  Today’s walking miles = 4.75.

Quick lunch and then headed out on some errands.  First stop was car wash followed by a fill up.  Gas was $3.00+ today.

Final stop was Chow Hound.  Today I bought a 18# bag of No Waste bird seed.  This winter I have been using the no waste seed.  This seed has been finely ground up and the outer shell of sunflower seeds and other seeds has been removed.  Small birds love this seed.

I have also been using a seed that has peanuts, sunflowers, and other seed and fruit.  The squirrels love this mixture as do large birds like Cardinals, Blue Jays and Woodpeckers.  The major down side to the seed is the amount of waste.  Our deck is loaded with the shell of sunflowers.  I am discontinuing and will use exclusively the no waste seed.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Brann’s.  We got there are 1730 and got the last table.  

I had a glass of wine and Nancy a frozen margarita.  We enjoyed our drinks before ordering.  Nancy had a burger and I had a bowl of white chicken chili.  The meal was not up to Brann’s usual high standard.

At home I got a call from my computer guy.  He is helping me get Comcast installed and our Apple TV reconnected.

After I gave him our requirements he placed the order.  Comcast will come next Thursday to make the installation.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  

This evening we had FaceTime conversations with Granddaughter Alessandra and Debbie and Missy.  Talking to family is always good.

Checked our front yard at 2200.  We had a beautiful full moon.  Snow expected tonight.

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