Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February 1, 2021

 Monday February 1, 2021

Blog time 1530

Up this morning at 0645.  At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Big schedule change today.  Panera is open for sit down customers today so I will wait to get my coffee and bagel until after the Y.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her 3 mile walk at Woodland Mall.  After breakfast I grabbed my backpack and walked to the Y.  The sidewalks had not been plowed so walking was difficult.  It was sunny but temp was 22 with a brisk wind.  It is 1.77 miles from the condo to the Y.

The Y was not crowded.  They did have a large Body Pump class and Water Aerobics class.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk.

After the Y I walked to Panera, 1.01 mi.  I was surprised that the place was nearly empty.  I ordered coffee and a blueberry bagel. I think Panera’s staff was also surprised at the small crowd.  

Read the papers and my emails.  I have decided that I will do my blog writing at home.  Panera is for reading only.

Bright sun on the walk home from Panera, 1.15 mi.  Total miles walked today 3.91.  I closed all my iPhone circles so will stay inside the rest of the day.

Showered and then finished yesterday’s blog before lunch.  Light lunch and then Nancy and I took turns being on hold with ATT.  Our recent bill had increased our monthly internet charge from $66 to $246.  We wanted to know why.  After 90 minutes on hold we were told it was a computer error and our bill was red uced over $200.  I guess the time on hold was worth it?

It is now 1600 and I am listening to Hank Williams, the old one, on my laptop.  I like his honky tonk music.  I also like Patsy Cline.  

Last night I finished another Ken Follett book.  This morning I loaded two new books on my Kindle.  One book by David Baldacci and the other by Frederick Forsyth.

February 1 is the birthday of Nancy’s sister Judy Patton.  Judy was two years older than Nancy.  They were very close.  Judy was in the first class of women at the Harvard Business School. She was a great aunt to our kids.  Unfortunately God took her away too soon.  Judy you are in our memories.  God Bless!

This and that:

Russia looks like it is imploding.  The citizens are upset at Putin’s dictatorial actions.  The poisoning of a political opponent and now his jailing is just wrong.  I hope President Biden and EU leaders censor Putin.

A car’s Catalytic Converters clean up car exhaust.  The converters are made with rare metals.  The metals are very expensive.  Recently the converters are being stolen for these metals.  The car next to Missy’s in her condo’s carport had their converter stolen. 

The military has staged a coup in Myanmar.  Myanmar use to be called Burma for you old folks.  Overthrowing an elected Government should be condemned in strongest terms.

Grand Rapids temperature facts.  The daily high temperature goes up to 32 on Feb 8.  The daily low temperature will not reach 32 until March 31.

This afternoon I filled all our bird feeders.  The birds must be starving.  Also put out a 8 new ears of corn for deer.  The deer have been eating the corn after sunset.

Finished the afternoon with a 30 minute nap.  

Monday night so we had our standard Cheerios with fruit.  Also shared a blueberry muffin.

Tonight we watched the news until 1930.  On Netflix tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle followed by Ted Lasso on A+.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another Occupied.  

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  The white snow cover increases night time vision.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She is excited about AJ taking a class on Computer Animation.

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