Monday, February 22, 2021

February 21, 2021

Sunday February 21, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and drove to Panera.  Got two coffees and a bagel.  The temperature was a cold 9 degrees but with bright sun.  It is now 1230 and the temperature has risen to 32.  First thaw in weeks.

Breakfast of oatmeal with banana, coffee and a bagel.  Set up iPad for 0915 Trinity Lutheran’s service on YouTube.  Today was the first Sunday of Lent.  Also the 50th streaming service.  We go back to in person service on March 7.

After church I spent time filling up bird feeders and cleaning up the mess the squirrels and birds had made on our deck.  Squirrels and birds have no table manners.

Finished reading the GRP before noon.  A new record.  Nancy headed out on a three mile walk.  I took a nap followed by a quick lunch.  Finished the afternoon with a 2.4 mile walk.  Once again Nancy wins!

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and spinach pie.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  After 60’ we watched New Tricks, a great show.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR and CA.

It was snowing and 30 when I checked the yard at 2200.  It is suppose to snow all night.

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