Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February 23, 2021

 Tuesday February 23, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  The temperature was 36 so I decided to walk to the Y.  

Nancy this morning is meeting friends at Woodland Mall.  They will walk and have coffee.  I am sure one topic of conversation will be the passing of Noel Webley.  Noel was a long time art teacher at Ottawa Hills HS.  He was also an assistant track coach, accomplished photographer and musician.

Did most of my calisthenics at home before breakfast, oatmeal w/banana.  Dressed warm for my walk.  I started out and discovered that our drive was still icy.  In fact too icy for a walk.

I drove to Y.  Finished calisthenics and walked 1.6 miles before heading to Panera.  

At Panera ordered coffee and two bagels.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read local papers and emails. 

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

Showered and shaved before having lunch.  After lunch I headed downstairs to office.  

Talked with Financial Advisor abut selling some stock.

Finally figured out how to print my IRA tax form.

Assembled tax data in binder.  I have all our data except one account which won’t be available until 27Feb.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.  It was sunny and 40. Snow was melting rapidly. Sidewalks 75% clear.

This and that:

Several of our west MI GOP congressmen continue to be censored by County GOP committees for voting to impeach ex President Trump.  I emailed our congressman who voted to censor telling him to keep up the good work.

Most of our senior citizen acquaintances have had their second shot.

The EU seems to be confused about getting their citizens the vaccine.  Looks like the UK made the correct move to leave.

MLB spring training is under way.  I knew several local fans who looked forward to attending spring training games.  This year they are staying home.

I still don’t understand Bitcoins.  

For dinner tonight Nancy cooked a pork chop in the crock pot along with rice and onions.  Very good.  Also had lima beans and apple sauce.

Watched the news.  Talked to both Debbie and Missy before watching another episode of Hanna.  One more episode to go.

It was 38 degrees when checked the front yard at 2200.  The temp will be above freezing all night.

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