Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February 2, 2021

 Tuesday February 2, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700.  Morning calisthenics and then a quick bowl of oatmeal with banana.  Dressed and walked to the Y.  Temperature was in 20s with bright sun.  Great winter’s day.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  This morning she talked to some of the regulars who use to drink coffee at Panera.  They said they like coffee at the Mall because it was healthier with the high ceilings and open space.  I guess I would agree.

At Y I did some calisthenics and a 1/2 mile walk.  After the Y I walked to Panera for coffee and a croissant.  Panera was empty probably because of the reasons mentioned above.

The temperature was 32 when I left Panera.  I had the wind at my back so the walk was very pleasant.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Spent time in office reading before lunch.

This and that:

Ground Hog Day:  Yes folks in the snow regions of the USA today is the day we have been waiting for.  The groundhog saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter.  Actually in MI we always have 6 more weeks despite the groundhog.

In the Alpena News this morning saw that Mike O’Donnell had passed.  Mike was a neighbor in Alpena.  He was 2 years older than me.  I remember Mike was a great football player at Catholic Central.  In recent years I had the privilege of working with two of Mike’s children, Ryan and Marney.  They were both Civil Engineering graduates of MTU and worked for bridge contractors in Grand Haven.  Their firms built many bridges I designed.  Rest In Peace Mike and may God Bless!

A lot on news on the military coup in Myanmar.  It is always sad when a Democratic government is over thrown.

I saw first hand the 1963 Military Coup in Vietnam.  It was not pleasant.  A lot of very emotional folks with guns roaming around Saigon.  

 No nap today.

The birds are hungry, I continuously fill the feeders.

Can anyone tell me what is happening with the stock market?

Big news, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos resigns.  Well not really he is still on the Board.

Good news:  President Trump’s stupid border wall is coming down.

For dinner Nancy fixed lasagna with dinner rolls and a salad.  Very good.

We watched the news followed by NCIS.  At 2100 Nancy headed to bed and watched an episode of Occupied.  I am having a problem figuring out who the Good Guys are.

Bright moonlight when checked outside at 2200.  Temp will drop to low teens this evening.

FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy this evening.

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