Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February 8, 2021

 Monday February 8, 2021

Blog time 1250 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  Very cold this morning, 7. 

Did my home calisthenics before a bowl of oatmeal w/banana.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for Woodland Mall.  She plans on another 3 mile walk.

Drove to the Y in bright sun.  More classes at the Y are resuming so a lot of folks attending.  I did my Y calisthenics, rode a stationary bike for 15 minutes and took a mile walk.  Enough for a Monday.

Stopped at Panera on way home for coffee and a croissant.  During my hour at Panera only 3 patrons were dining in.  They can’t make money with such a low turnout.

At home I showered and put on some warm clothes.  Spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and starting this one.

It is now 1300 and the temperature has jumped to 16.  I will take a break while I have some lunch.

Lunch and then back down to office.  Continued reading the papers.  

This and that:

The cold weather will continue for another week.  Major storm heading our way.

Different strains of the Coronavirus has some folks worried.  Will the vaccines be effective?  I think most folks are so saturated with expert advice that they say “what will be, will be”.  This is Nancy’s favorite saying.

Tomorrow starts the impeachment trial for ex President Trump.  Does anyone outside of DC care?

President Biden’s stimulus package is very expensive.  When I read about who is eligible for money I question the sanity of the writers.  

This afternoon I took a short walk.  On the walk I stopped at a CPA office located on Tahoe Drive about 0.2 mile from our condo.  They are taking new customers so I will let them do this years return.  

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight we had our standard Monday fare, Cheerios with fruit and dinner roll.

After watching the news we switched to Apple TV and watched an episode of Blood.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Occupied.

This evening we FaceTimed with Debbie, Akerke and Missy.  Every thing ok.

It was 15 when checked the front yard at 2200.  Light snow predicted for this evening.  

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