Sunday, February 14, 2021

February 13, 2021

 Saturday February 13, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out window and saw it was snowing lightly. Temperature was 16.

First thing this morning I shaved and showered.  Dressed and then headed to Meijer’s.  Today is the 13th and I always buy a lotto ticket on the 13th.  Remember my story of winning a Jeep in a lottery with #13.  

Meijer’s was not crowded.  I purchased Ensure, yogurt, bananas and Prune juice. 

At home after emptying the car I shoveled the drive and walk.  It was easy because the snow was light and fluffy.

Shoveling the walk reminded me of seeing my high school friends shoveling the walk at the Gas Stations they worked at.  In the 50s, before snow blowers, Gas Station drives were cleared of snow by using big wide shovels.  On a day like today with it snowing all day the drives would be shoveled hourly.   Stations took great pride in keeping their drives cleared.

Working at a gas station was a plum job for a high school student interested in car mechanics.  During lull times the owner would let them put their junker cars on the hoist so they could work on them.    Another side benefit of the job was the requirement to fill up all cars wanting gas.  Great way to meet girls.

Spent most of the rest of the morning in office.  Finished blog and read the papers.  I did take a short break at 1300 to have a cup of yogurt.

Around 1600 Nancy and I are heading to the Cork Restaurant at Watermark Golf Course.  All restaurants have limited seating capacity so we hope to be early to get a seat.  This is Valentine weekend so the place should be busy.  

Found time this afternoon to take a short walk.  At 1630 we headed to the Cork restaurant.  We had no trouble getting a table but with only 25% seating the place was filled by 1700.

The food at the Cork is very good.  Typical midwestern fare.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich with fries.  I had perch with onion rings.  

At home we sat in the den and watched a movie on Prime.  The movie was named Paradise starring Tom Selleck.  We both liked the movie.  After the movie we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  

This evening we talked to both Debbie and Missy.  We told them of our Valentine Day dinner.  Our first outing in months.

Light snow when checked the front yard at 2200.  Also noted some strange animal tracks.  I must get a book or app so I can identify.

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