Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 24, 2021

 Wednesday February 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with the 0600 alarm this morning.  Today I have Breakfast Club at 0730.

Nancy plans on taking a 3 mile outside walk today.  She will leave at 0900.

I did calisthenics at 50% and showered before the 0730 meeting.

Today we had 18 members in attendance.  Today’s speakers talked about Michigan’s new method of determining Federal and Michigan boundaries for political districts.  The district boundaries are redrawn every 10 years using current Census data.  

In the past the political party in power drew the boundaries.  This time as the result of a state wide referendum an independent commission of 13 citizens will draw the boundaries.

Listening to this mornings speakers I get the impression that redistributing is getting off to a shaky start.  The UP has no representative on the commission nor does SW Michigan.  I did not vote for the commission.  I prefer to take my chances with elected officials.

After BC I walked to Panera.  It was 40 degrees but with a brisk west wind the walk was uncomfortable.

Coffee and bagel was purchased and I consumed while reading papers and emails.  Summary of news:

President Biden and Dems are going it alone on stimulus package.

Good news on the coronavirus front.  Cases are down and more folks are receiving the vaccine.

Mild weather in Mi is reducing the snow banks.  Roads and sidewalks are bare.

Will the EU every recover their faith in the USA as a shield against the bad guys.  Presently is looks like the EU is going it alone.

The walk home from Panera was more pleasant because I had the wind at my back.  At home I had a quick lunch.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  She expects a large crowd because of the sunny weather.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry and took out the trash.  I did not have to put out corn for deer because they did not show up last night.  Even found time for a nap.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  She said attendance was very low.

We returned to our standard Wednesday night dinner.  Cheerios with fruit and croissant. 

After dinner looked out the rear slider and saw five deer in yard eating corn.  One was a large buck. 

After the news we watched an episode of Virgin River on Netflix and the final episode of “Hanna” on Prime.  I liked Hanna but find Virgin River is becoming a chick flick.

 Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She said they have their tickets to Turkey and are leaving on St Pat’s Day.  Non stop flight.

Checked front yard at 2200.  The temperature had dropped below 32 and will reach high teens by daybreak.

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