Thursday, February 18, 2021

February 17, 2021

 Wednesday February 17, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked the temperature and it was -9.  First time this year we had subzero temperature.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens. First time in months.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did all my calisthenics at home. Of course on Wednesday the calisthenics are at 50%.  Quick shower before heading to Panera for oatmeal, coffee and a bagel.  On way home I stopped at Costco to get more trash bags.  Next stop laundry to drop off shirts.

At home filled up the birds feeders.  I saw a robin in our front yard.  It must be a very confused robin.  They should still be in FL.

Lunch and then Wednesday chores:  laundry, trash and recyclables.

This and that:

Mi Schools with only online learning are getting flack for declaring today a snow day.

The coldest temperature I can remember being outside in was -17.  It happened on two occasions in 1956 I played hockey outside and in the mid 70s I had to do some surveying work outside.  

Speaking of memories dealing with below zero temperatures.  On a Feb Friday in 1956 I had evening hockey practice.  It was -3 and Tommy Collins and I walked a mile to practice, had practice and then walked home.

That same evening I walked to a dance. It was after a High School BB game.  I asked a cute classmate if I could walk her home.  She rejected me saying it was too cold. 

The classmate was a friend of my cousin Judy Scott.  Judy told her dad, my Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim chewed my Dad out for not letting me have the car.  How was I ever going to have a social life without having a car.  After my Uncle’s talk a car was available to me on Friday nights.  Oh the advantage of living in a small town!

Rush Limbaugh passed today.  When doing bridge inspections on a weekday afternoon I would listen to his radio show.  It was the only radio show I could get in rural areas.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  For Christians the start of the Easter Season.

Coronavirus cases are down but the new strains are worrisome.

The weather still dominates the evening news.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner we had our Wednesday standard Cheerios with fruit.

After the news we retreated to the den.  We wanted to watch a show on Amazon Prime but could not open the App.  Called Amazon and a Tech attempted to open the App.  Finally as a last resort I unplugged the TV and Apple TV.  When I plugged them back in, Hooray, we got on.  We watched an episode of New Tricks.  I really like this show.

Temperature in mid teen when checked front yard.  Noted a bright crescent moon.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  Yesterday she had a hit run driver run over her foot. X-rays today showed no broken bones.  The driver was known and a police report was made.   

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