Friday, February 19, 2021

February 18, 2021

 Thursday February 18, 2021

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Boy I really slept in today, 0730.  The sun was already up.  Cold ,20, but intermittent sun made it pleasant.  I just did chin-ups at home.  Breakfast and headed to Y.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  She tries to walk 3 miles.

Every day at the Y I see a few more folks.  This morning I did calisthenics, rode a stationary bike ride for 20 minutes and 0.9 mile walk.  I will be glad when I can ride my bike to the Y.  I dislike riding the stationary bike.  Shower before heading to Panera.

I did not get to Panera until 1115.  Got several comments from Panera staff saying that I was late this morning.  Kind of scary when folks know my movements.

Stepped on scale this morning and found I still have the coronavirus 5.  Checked sugar contest of several Panera bakery items and decided I have to lighten up on the croissants and bagels.

Read the Alpena and Detroit News and the News app on my iPad.  Weather, especially in Texas, dominates the news.

The EU is way behind the US and UK in getting their citizens the Coronavirus vaccine.  Maybe they will stop lecturing the USA on our public health policies.

Our new Congressman Peter Meijer has been censured by several MI county GOP committees for his voting to impeach President Trump.  I emailed Rep Meijer saying I supported his actions and to keep up the good work.

Did not get home from Panera until 1300.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  We spent 45 minutes looking around.  I was surprised at how empty the place was.  A lot of stores have closed.  I was disappointed to see the Bass Outlet Closed.

Stopped at Panera on way home to get Nancy her Hazelnut coffee for tomorrow.  I also filled the Escape up at Meijer’s.

At home I finished my daily reading.  No nap or walk today.

For dinner Nancy fixed lasagna.  Also had coleslaw.

After the news we headed to the den.  Tonight we watched Bridgerton on Netflix.  The show is becoming too much of a chick flix for me.  However, about 3/4 through the show we lost our connection with Netflix.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is slowly recovering from her foot injury caused by a Hit and Run driver running over her foot.  The LA Police know the name and address of the driver.

Debbie called this evening.  We were in the process of getting a new iPhone for Nancy when we lost internet.  After all this confusion Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the GRP.  On Thursday and Sunday we get a paper copy of the GRP.

Light snow when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Warm up coming this weekend.

Before turning in I unplugged our internet Modem.  Plugged it back in and the internet came back on. 

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