Friday, February 26, 2021

February 25, 2021

 Thursday February 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Did some chin-ups before breakfast.  The temperature was 19, wind chill in single digits.  Even with sunshine I decided to drive to the Y.

Nancy is heading out at 0900 for her morning walk.  Today she will walk outside.  She is braver than I am.

At the Y I did my calisthenics, rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes or 4.4 miles and walked a mile.  Showered before heading to Panera.

Panera is having trouble getting their regular customer base back.  One problem is the difficulty getting a seat with only 25% capacity.  Most of the available seats are taken up by employees taking their morning break.  Good news possible.  Our Gov might make some adjustment to the COVID-19 rules this week including raising restaurants 25% capacity limit.

This and that:

It looks like the Gulf Stream, that impacts the weather in Europe, is undergoing major changes due to climate change.  Bottom line Europe’s mild winters will start getting colder.

On today’s Opinion Section of the Alpena News was an op-ed titled “It’s a Racist Plan not a Rescue Plan”.  

Seems the Feds plan to forgive farm owner’s debt worth hundred thousands of dollars.  White Male farmer need not apply.

Restaurant Owners will be given grants up to $5 mil.  White male owners will be placed at the back of the line.

Are these grants racist?

Our ex Governor Granholm has been confirmed as new Energy Secretary.

Our ATT internet service is very weak.  This afternoon I ordered Comcast.

Got home from Panera at 1115.  Kim was still cleaning.  

Nancy and I got in the Fusion and took our weekly drive.  First stop was Mr Thang’s so I could pick up a pair of pants.

We drove to Rockford.  Rockford has closed part of their Main Street so restaurants could use the road for temporary dining venues.  Seems like a good idea.

We stopped at the Wolverine World Wide shoe outlet in Rockford.  Nancy bought two pair.

On way home we stopped at Nancy’s favorite bread store and purchase a loaf of their multi grain bread.  We also bought an oatmeal cookie to split.

At Panera we bought Nancy a hazelnut coffee for tomorrow.  

Kim was gone when we got home at 1400.  Quick lunch and then headed down to office.

Today is Nancy’s sister Peg’s birthday.  Peg lives in MA.  Nancy called her and they had a long talk.  Happy Birthday Peg.

Spent most of the afternoon reading.  I said recently that the Biden administration looks like Obama lite.  Recent actions confirms this.

With afternoon temps above 32 we note a lot of folks running in shorts.  Stretch workout stretch pants for women appear to have replaced jeans as the standard leisure wear for women.  Men have also adopted comfortable stretch pants.  I wear stretch type pants made by Swet Tailor.   They are extremely comfortable and have replaced khakis as my pant of choice.

Tonight Nancy fixed lasagna.  I had mine with coleslaw, pineapple and a croissant.

We watched the news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched “New Tricks” which has become my favorite show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She and AJ are doing fine.

Temperature in 20s when checked front yard at 2200.   

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