Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 31, 2020

 Thursday December 31, 2020:  last day of 2020 finally!

Blog time 1500 sitting in Panera’s parking lot.

Our internet is down and won’t be back on line until the 5th.

I am taking a short sabbatical and won’t return until Wednesday the 6th.  Have a great New Years and may GOD BLESS!

This morning got up at 0700. It was a cold 21.

Did all my calisthenics at home.  Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  I made a quick check of the sidewalks on way to Panera.  They were all ice covered and too dangerous for walking.

 After breakfast Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall.  Today we walked 3 miles in the mall.  

A lot of old couples were also walking.  During the inclement weather mall walking is a good alternative.

Our security alarm is also down.  This afternoon the service folks came and fixed it.

We will stay at home all weekend.  With the internet down no streaming service.  We will have to make do with regular TV and a good book. 

Be back on line next Wednesday.

Wednesday December 30, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Dressed and checked outside.  We got about 3” of snow overnight.  I got out shovel and cleaned our walk.  Also salted the walk.

Tahoe Drive had not been plowed but I wanted to see how the all wheel drive would preform in 3” of wet snow. Backed out of the drive and headed up the snow covered hill on Tahoe.  No problem whatsoever.  In MI all cars should have AWD.

At Panera I ordered two coffees, oatmeal and a bagel.  After breakfast I drove to the Y for some light exercise and a 30 minute walk.  The Y was not crowded but I bet on Monday the Y will be crowded with all the New Year’s Resolution folks.  They stay about 6 weeks.

Spent time in office finishing yesterday’s blog.  Lunch and then drove Nancy to Talbots in Breton Village.  To kill time I walked into Jos Banks and ended up buying a khaki sport coat.  

At home I returned to office for some reading.  No sooner had I sat down than Jos Banks called and said I left my gloves.  So got back in Fusion and drove to Jos Banks.  Nancy accompanied me because she wanted something to do.

When we got home our driveway had been plowed.  A clear drive allowed me to take the trash can to the curb.

Put out corn for deer.  I had to clear a small spot in the snow for each ear.

For dinner Nancy fixed me two poached eggs on English muffin.  Also mixed fruit and a croissant.

Tonight we watched Virgin River on Netflix.  I stayed up and watched another episode of occupied.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We all gave positive reports.

It was a cold 25 when checked front yard before going to bed.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 29, 2020

 Tuesday December 29, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed to Aldi’s for some fruits and vegetables.

I did my at home calisthenics before dressing and heading to Panera to get coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  After breakfast I bundled up for my bike ride to the Y.  It was 22 but no wind.

I noted when I just got underway something was wrong.  It was difficult pedaling.  Checked and saw that the back tire was rubbing against the bottom stay.  Made a quick detour home and got a wrench and adjusted the back tire.  Some times I can make simple repairs.

The bike operated fine.  The Y was nearly empty this morning.  I did more calisthenics and walked 1.2 miles.  Total bike miles today was 10.5.

At home shaved and showered.  Then started a few chores. 

Ordered nose spray prescription from Meijer’s.

Called Dentist and changed Monday’s dental appointment from morning to afternoon.

Called Security firm and requested a service person check our slider alarm.

I got a call from Ada Bike saying the checkup of my Cannondale was complete.  Drove to bike shop and picked it up.

Lunch followed by short nap.  After spent time reading online papers and writing blog.

For dinner Nancy fixed an Italian pasta dish.  Also had Brussels sprouts, salad and blueberry muffin.

Watched some news before switching to Netflix.  We watched another episode of Virgin River.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch “Occupied”.  Good show about Russia trying to occupy Norway.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  Everything ok.

It was snowing when checked the front yard this evening.  About 3” predicted overnight.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December 28, 2020

 Monday December 28, 2020

Blog time 1645 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  It was 32 but no rain forecast.  No Y today I did all my calisthenics at home.  To do my entire routine takes about 45 minutes.

Upon finishing the calisthenics I dressed and drove to Panera.  Purchased coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  Took my order home and had breakfast at the kitchen table watching CNBC.

Nancy headed out about sunrise, 0810, for her morning 3 mile walk.  Later today she took another 1.3 mile walk.  Way to go Nancy.

Today I took my Bianchi winter bike on a 9.5 mile ride.  The bike’s caliper brake was acting up.  Later this morning I adjusted the brake.

Showered at home, dressed and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  We had a long list and were able to fill it with no problems.  All check out lines were open so we checked out in less the 10 minutes.

At home I grabbed the Escape and put my Cannondale Bad Boy in the back end and headed to Ada Bike shop.  I will get the bike checked out which includes putting on large tires suitable for winter rides.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home and bought an 8 pack of Guinness.  For the next week I will switch from wine to beer.

Lunch today was yogurt with fiber 1 cereal, toast with peanut butter and an ensure protein drink.  My new standard.

Trump’s appointees at DOD not cooperating with new administration.  Unprecedented but why should this surprise anyone.

In GR we have a big homeless problem.  Folks are camping out on the banks of the GR river.  The City had tried to move them to new quarters but most campers do not want to move preferring to live in their own shelters.  Is there a good answer to this problem?

For dinner tonight we had our Monday standard, Cheerios.  I had mine with raspberries, a croissant and half of a scone.

At 1930 we stopped watching the news and switched to Netflix.  Tonight we watched two episodes of Virgin River.  We both like this show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  Finally Ca is getting some rain.  It was 48 in Ca and 28 in MI.

Cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  

This evening I set our security alarm.  The downstairs alarm on the slider is malfunctioning.  We had two false alarms this evening.  The Security firm’s maintenance will check our system out later this week.

I noted several deer feeding on the mineral block in our back yard about 2300.  An hour later Nancy checked outside and saw more deer feeding.  

Monday, December 28, 2020

December 27, 2020

 Sunday December 27, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to Meijer’s for supplies.  Meijer’s was empty so completed our shopping in about 40 minutes.

Stopped at Panera on way home for our daily coffee. At home unloaded our supplies.  I had a quick breakfast.

Brought up my iPad and set it up near our sofa.  This morning we watched the 42nd YouTube Trinity Lutheran service.

After church Nancy put on her warm clothes and headed out on a walk.  I got in the Fusion and ran errands.  First stop was D&W gas station for gas.  I did not check the price this morning.

Next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 35# bag of corn.  Also bought small grained bird seed.  The recent bird seed I purchase consisted of large nuts that plugged the holes supplying the food tray.  I removed the large seed and put in the small seed.  Everything flowed ok so I expect many birds.

Finished the morning with a 2.5 mile walk.  The sidewalks were empty.

Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  

This and that:

Several time in the last few days I heard the President described as a “narcissist”.  I looked the word up and it sure describes the President.  Although I think “selfish jerk” is better.

This evening we got messages saying POTUS has signed the Coronavirus relief bill.  Why all the dramatics!

The temperature this afternoon got above freezing.  Our snow is gone.  So far winter has been a pussycat.

I have always been a fan of Folk Music.  Right now I am listening to Woody Guthrie.  His music of the tough times in the 30s is interesting.  I would recommend members of the Woke Generation listen to the words of his songs.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and a croissant.  

We watched some of 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched another episode of Virgin River.  

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us today.  Everything ok.

It was 32 when checked front yard at 2200.  The temp will remain at 32 most of the night.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

December 26, 2020

 Saturday December 26, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  I did some reduced calisthenics before heading to Panera.  Today I purchased our coffees and a bowl of oatmeal and croissant for me.  Ate breakfast at home.

Nancy did laundry

With snow on walks I decided to take my winter bike with studded tires.  No traffic on the bike path the morning.  With the new snow noted a lot of deer tracks.

At home showered and shaved.

Spent time in office reading.  Also paid the last installment on our anticipated 2020 tax .

Lunch and then Bob and Nancy took a pleasant ride through rural Kent and Ionia Counties.  Today’s route:

Headed north on Honey Creek Ave to Cannonsburg. 

Then east on 5 mile to the Village of Smyrna.

 South over the historic wooden Whites Road bridge over the Flat River.

Continued south to Lowell and then east on Grand River Drive to home.

Once again Nancy and Bob enjoyed a pleasant ride through rural Michigan.  We both agreed why haven’t we made these rides earlier.  It took the coronavirus to get us taking road trips.

We got a sad FaceTime post from Missy.  Missy and AJ were in their Vet’s office.  Missy was holding their dog, Cookie.  Old age has taken its toll on Cookie.  She is being put down.  Nancy and I can relate and just hope everything goes well.  They made the right decision.  God Bless Cookie. 

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with dinner rolls and coleslaw.  Very good.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 2 of Virgin River.  Next we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  Whitechapel is getting gruesome.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We had a long talk about our Christmas.  Debbie like Bob and Nancy stayed home.  We all agreed that 2021 will be better.

Temperature in high 20s when checked the front yard at 2200.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 25, 2020

 Friday December 25, 2020

Christmas Day,  Merry Christmas everyone!

We slept in this morning.  The outside temperature 19.

Dressed and fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  We will have our Christmas dinner about 1430 today.

About 0930 we opened our presents.  A real cornucopia.  Thanks everyone.

Spent some time reading papers that published on Christmas.  Today we also had nice FaceTime conversations with our three children and their families. 

Also FaceTimed my sister, Helen, in Tucson.  We reminisced on Christmas Days of our youth. We remember on Christmas Day afternoon we would all get in the car and visit relatives living in Alpena.  Our first stop would be at the home of Uncle Jim Scott.  Uncle Jim was dad’s younger brother.  Uncle Jim and Aunt Ruth had five daughters.  We would look at their Christmas gifts.  The adults would all have several mixed drinks and the kids got a soft drink and cookies.  

Our second stop would be at the home of my Uncle Bill Hughes, mother’s older brother.  Uncle Bill and Aunt Bernice had three boys,  Billy, Doug and Roland.  Once again Mom and Dad would have several glasses of Christmas Cheer.  The kids enjoyed chocolate candy and soft drinks.

At both stops the conversation was good humored talk of Christmas’s past.  I enjoyed listening to the adults talk especially  after they had several drinks.  A lot of laughter.

I have spent two Christmas away from home.  The first was in 1961 while I was an Ensign assigned to the Public Works Department on US Naval Station, Midway Island.  Being the youngest officer on the Island I was Officer of the Day, OOD, on Christmas. It was easy duty.  My primary job was to see the food in the Enlisted men’s mess was warm and tasty.  I probably put on 20 pounds.

In 1963 I was stationed in Vietnam.  Our quarters in Saigon were near a very large Catholic Cathedral.  I remember on Christmas Eve the streets around the Cathedral were packed with families who had attend Christmas Eve services.  The families all had on their best clothes.  Everyone was very friendly.  It was fun to people watch while sitting on a bench in front of our quarters.  I remember it was very pleasant with temperature probably in low 80s.

Nancy fixed a great Christmas dinner.  We had ham, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts and roasted potatoes.  Of course we both had a glass of wine and for dessert Apple pie.

We had some ham left over so I had a ham sandwich for dinner.

Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix.  The movie was highly acclaimed.  It was called “Wank”  and was about the author of the screen play for Orion Wells’ movie Citizen Kane.  The movie was in black and white and took place in the 30s in Hollywood. I gave it a B.

It was spitting snow and 25 when checked out the front yard about 2200.  Nancy looked out the window around midnight and saw a big doe chewing on the mineral block we set out.

That folks is Christmas Day 2020.

Friday, December 25, 2020

December 24, 2020

Thursday December 24, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office.

Christmas Eve 2020.  We woke up with snow on the ground.  The temperature was 24, nearly 30 degrees colder than yesterday.  Winds near 20mph had dropped to wind chill to 6.

After some at home calisthenics I drove to Panera.  First time I have driven the Fusion in snow.  No problem.  AWD is great.

At Panera I got our coffees, and just for me oatmeal and a croissant.  Quick breakfast before heading downstairs to office.

About 1000 Nancy and headed out for a short walk.  We found it was very slippery so we returned home.  

Back at home I did some more calisthenics and rowed for 1,000 meters. First time I have used the rowing machine in months.  Great cardio. 

Shaved and showered before settling down for more office work.  

As a boy I would always have a list of presents I wanted Santa to bring. Each year I always had one favorite.

Some favorite items included on my lists were:

High top boots with a small pouch for a jackknife.  The knife was included.

Daisy Red Ryder BB gun

Small radio for my bedroom.

I am happy to announce that I got each of the  favorites listed above.  My all time favorite was the radio.  Set it up on the night stand next to my bed.  Ran a thin wire from the radio to bedroom window.  The wire served as an antenna for better reception.

After sunset the Feds allowed several stations nationwide to boost up their power.  These stations were called clear channel stations.   They purpose of these stations was to broadcast defense or early alert messages over a large area.  The range of the clear channel stations was huge.  In Alpena we got WBZ Boston clear as a bell.  I am told that the popularity of the Grand Old Opry was because the Nashville Radio station was a clear channel station that broadcast the show all over the south and Midwest.

After lunch I set up the iPad in the living room.  About 1600 we turned on YouTube and watched the Christmas Eve service from Trinity Lutheran.  It was a good service but really miss sitting in a packed church with all the parishioners being in a festive spirit.

After church we got in the Fusion and made a Christmas Eve tour of local neighborhoods looking at all the Christmas lights.  You could tell folks had more time this year for decorating.  The effort folks put in lighting their homes was great.

We especially liked several neighborhoods in East Grand Rapids.  Every home on a block had extensive lighting.

The new owners of our old home on Mackinaw did a great job.  They even put their tall Christmas tree in the big bay window overlooking Mackinaw just like we did.  Great memories.

At home we had a late dinner.  Nancy fixed me French Onion soup, with a salad and croissant.  It was very tasty.

For viewing tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  This show is filmed in St Johns, Newfoundland.  Good show about a father/son detective team.  Loved the shots of St Johns.

After Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another Netflix show, Virgin River, episode 1.  I liked the show and think Nancy would like it also.  

Nancy was very proud that she was able to FaceTime Akerke.  She showed her the snow in GR.

Later Debbie and Alessandra jointly FaceTimed Nancy.  They had a nice long 3 way conversation.

We also had FaceTime conversations with Debbie and Missy.  We gave a positive update.

It was cold, 19, when checked the front yard at 2200. Later about midnight I looked out our living room slider and saw three deer eating corn I had set out earlier.  The white snow on the ground greatly improves visibility. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 23, 2020

 Wednesday December 23, 2020

Good grief I forgot to write yesterday’s blog.  You did not miss anything.  Just another day of sheltering in place.  I did have my semi-annual stomach upset probably caused by too much coffee. I have got to learn how to limit my coffee intake.

Today, Wednesday, I slept in until 0800.  Nancy was just heading out for her walk when I hopped out of bed. 

Did my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  Ate breakfast at home and then put on warm bike clothes and took an 8.5 mile ride.

At home I took my hair trimmer and gave my head a good trim.  I had been letting my hair grow but it required too much maintenance.

After the shower I started my iPad routine.  Read Alpena News, emails, finish blogs, and read the news on the iPad including the Detroit News and WSJ.

After lunch I returned to office to finish our annual charity donations.  I found that on-line donations are easier than writing a check.  I use Apple’s Numbers spreadsheet program to keep track.  As a long time Excel user it takes some time to gain confidence in Numbers.  I am managing slowly.

This and that:

It looks like the UK and EU might reach a BRexit agreement.  About time.

Our President has tried to throw a wrench in the coronavirus plan developed after tireless Congressional negotiations.  He has threatened to veto.  This shows the true charter of POTUS.  Selfish, petty and just plain mean.  Not much of a man.

About 1530 Nancy and I drove to Marco’s to pick up a Christmas Dinner we preordered.  It was well packaged with instructions on how to prepare each item.  Looks very good and I am sure we will enjoy Christmas Day.

The Coronavirus just won’t go away.  Nancy and I are waiting for our turn for the vaccine.  We think maybe midJanuary.

During Christmas break in the late 40s my friends and I would take our ice skates, hockey gear and walk down to the beach.  Lake Huron would be frozen and we would shovel off a large area so we could play hockey.  It was great fun.  After several hours, Tommy Collin’s Mother would tells us she had made cocoa.  We stopped and walked the short distance to Tommy’s house.  After warming up we headed back to our rink and continued playing.  Pond hockey is the best.  No one ever fell through the ice.

Every day Missy walks on the beach near Santa Monica.  She walks five miles.  This daily routine has produced dramatic results.  Every day she sends a short video of the beach.  It is amazing the sea life she sees.  Dolphins, rays, and even sharks are included in the video.

I finished the day with a very short walk.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two of her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on a waffle.

Tonight Debbie FaceTimed us and included Granddaughter Alessandra.  I don’t know how to get three people on FaceTime but glad Debbie figured it out.  Alessandra was riding her bike around her neighborhood.  Ain’t tech great.  Three way conversation from San Jose, Long Beach and GR.

Missy also FaceTimed this evening with Akerke included in our conversation.  They were in a festive mood.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. We are almost finished with this show.

It was in the 50s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tonight the temp will drop to low 20s with snow.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

December 21, 2020

 Monday December 21, 2020:  today we have the winter solstice.  Only 9 hours of daylight but the good news is the days are getting longer.  Spring can’t be far off.

Up at 0645, Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I did my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast.  Today’s bike ride totaled 10.5 miles.  I did see five deer on today’s ride.   I did stop at the Y for some more calisthenics and a 1.2 mile walk.

At home I showered, dressed and headed out on some errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to refill my $2 bill supply.  Also stopped at several merchants to get Christmas gift cards.

At home I had lunch before heading down to office.  Nancy headed out for her 1400 physical therapy class.  This is her last one.

Spent time in office reading the news and finished yesterday’s blog.  I think I am getting blog fatigue.  Might have to take a break.

The temperature today did not get below 32.  The ice has left the ponds and with frost gone our backyard a quagmire.  I don’t like this warm weather.  If I was King I would mandate that temperature in Dec, Jan and Feb would not get above 32.  I think yo-yo temperatures are unhealthy.  Speaking of yo-yos does anyone own a yo-yo?  In my youth they were very popular.

In 1957 I was on the UM Wrestling team.  The coach said I was going to a Holiday Wrestling Tournament in Wilkes Barre, Pa.  We were leaving December 27.   I thought going home for Christmas would be difficult.  It is an 8 hour drive on the Greyhound.  I decided that I would stay on campus.  Most of the dorms were closed for the holidays so I was given a room in the West Quadrangle.  The place was empty and it was kind of spooky because most lights were off and only a few foreign students were staying.  

Finally I got so lonely that on Dec 22 I packed a bag and bought a ticket to Alpena.  When I got home I saw Mom and Dad sitting in living room playing cards.  My Mom looked up and said “what are you doing here”!  I told her I was too lonely and wanted to spend Christmas with family.  Spent 4 wonderful days at home. 

Tonight we had our standard Monday dinner, Cheerios with pineapple and blueberries.  I might start changing Monday and Wednesday’s menu.

Tonight we watched 30 minutes of Shepard Smith news.  After the news we watched another episode of Whitechapel.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR.

Temp was in mid 30s when checked outside at 2200.

Monday, December 21, 2020

December 20, 2020

 Sunday December 20, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up at 0700, quickly dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffees.  No cars at the drive through.

Breakfast and then set up for Trinity Lutheran’s 41st streaming service.  About 150 devices were connected to Trinity’s YouTube site.

After church I read the GRP’s comics and obituaries before heading downstairs.  Today I stared writing checks for our annual contributions to local Charities.

Noon, Nancy and I headed out on a 1.66 mile walk around the neighborhood.  The temperature was above freezing, 37, but a brisk wind lowered the temp to 28. 

Lunch and then I returned to writing checks.  No nap today.  I did take a short walk to the post box.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  Also had sausage and pineapple.

The football game knocked off 60 Minutes.  We fired up our A+ network and watched a great movie.  It was called Greyhound and featured Tom Hanks.  

Several US Navy Destroyers were deployed to protect a huge convoy of ships bringing needed supplies to England.  The convoy was pursued by a wolf pack of German subs.  Non stop action and I highly recommend this show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Light sprinkle when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temp in mid 30s.  No winter weather until Christmas Eve.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 19, 2020

 Saturday December 19, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office:

Restless night.  Got up at 0300, emptied dishwasher and did some calisthenics.  Got back in bed at 0400 and slept sound until 0745.  

Talking about my sleep habits with other old guys and my experience is typical.  No one I knows can sleep 8 hours straight.

At 0800 Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I got in the Escape and drove to Meijer’s for supplies.  Also filled up the Escape. On way home stopped at Panera.  Got Nancy her coffee and I got a bowl of oatmeal and coffee.

After breakfast I did some mild calisthenics before putting on bike clothes and heading out.  

Mild snow/rain mix so I put on my rain suit.  Of course the rain/snow mix stopped as soon as I got underway.

Today I pedaled 9.5 miles.  My average speed was 7.8 mph which most hard core bikers would call slow.  Who cares!

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Told Nancy that I was in for the day.

This and that:

Except for Coronavirus and weather the Press seems to be taking a break.  Now that is good news.

Appears a new strain of the Coronavirus has emerged in the UK.  Not good news.

How will the new Congress retaliate against foreign hackers.  We hear some tough talk now.  

POTUS is suffering one legal setback after another.  He is now living in a fantasy world.  His legacy is suffering.

Is anyone following college sports?  In Mi, High School sports can resume.  HS football playoffs will run into January.  

Just driving around in the evening we see a lot of great outdoor Christmas decorations.

Put out corn for deer at 1600 and 4 deer showed up about 1700.

Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a big juicy hamburger.  Nothing like a juicy hamburg.

Tonight we watched and episode of Whitechapel.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode of Fallet.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Again it was above freezing when checked outside at 2200. Temp will remain above freezing temperature all night.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

December 18, 2020

 Friday December 18, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Got up with alarm at 0630.  Nancy headed out before sunrise for her 3 mile walk.

I did at home calisthenics before driving to Panera to get coffee and bagel.  Breakfast and then bundled up and biked to the Y.  Total miles pedaled today 9.75.  

I have been slowly increasing the number of chin-ups, sit-ups, push-ups since my hernia operation.  I am happy to announce that today I reached my pre operation number.

Kim was cleaning when I got home at 1100.

Showered, dressed and then Nancy and I got in the Escape and started our Friday drive.

First stop Meijer’s Garden so Nancy could pick up her certificate for 3,000 hours of volunteer time.  Congratulations Nancy!

Today we drove west on Leonard.  We visited the small communities Allendale, Eastmanville and Lamont.  We love our Friday drives through small West Mi communities.  Our drives are usually about 2 hours.


Rest of day’s activities:

Nancy and I drove to Home Depot to purchase a toilet bowl seat.  At home I installed the seat.

Got Email from HS classmate Bill Foster with recording of Glenn Campbell playing the bagpipes and singing Amazing Grace. It was great.

For dinner drove to Culver’s.  Nancy got a grilled chicken sandwich.  I got a fried cod sandwich. We brought the sandwiches home to eat.

For our viewing tonight we watched the final episode of the Agatha Christie mystery “None”.  I gave it a B-.  

Nancy headed to bed. I stayed up and watched another episode of Fallet.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave her a positive report.

It was 34 when checked the front yard at 2200.  The temp will stay above freezing tonight.  Mild weather through next Wednesday.

Friday, December 18, 2020

December 17, 2020

 Thursday December 17, 2020

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

This morning I got up at 0600.  Did my chores and then went back to bed.  Decided to get up at 0630 but I slept until 0700.  I have been doing that a lot lately.

Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  Did my at home calisthenics and then headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  

It was 21 when I headed out at 0830 but no wind so the 5 mile ride to the Y was pleasant.  The Y was empty.

Did my calisthenics and took a 2 mile walk.  I have a super duper lock that opens and closes just using my thump.  Today it would not lock.  Left my locker unlocked and headed home.  At home I showered and shaved and then returned to the Y with a standard padlock that operates with a key.

Nancy has a Christmas gift for her friend Kathi so I drove her to Kathi’s.  Nancy dropped off the gift.

Lunch then I headed downstairs to finish yesterday’s blog.  I made a font change and bingo I lost the entire blog.   I recreated a short version.

This and that:

PE Biden is rounding out his staff.  Rep Deb Haaland of NM has been appointed Sec of Interior.  She will be first Native American.

The big storm in New England is dominating the weather news.

An article in the The Telegraph told UK citizens how to view the great planetary Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.  Great to see the UK is on the same page as the GR Breakfast Club.

I don’t know when I will be eligible for the Coronavirus vaccine but look forward to the date.  

Finally it is cold enough to develop ice on all the local ponds.

I see a lot of pickups outfitted with their snowplow gear.  No snow so far in GR.  I hope they are paid by the season and not by the event.  Most would be cash poor.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner Nancy cleaned out the frig.  We had meat loaf, chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, peas and a salad. Left overs are great.

For the main event tonight we watched episode 2 of the Agatha Christie series “And then there were none”.  Started out with ten folks and now 3 remain.  We will watch the final episode on Friday.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was 28 when checked the yard at 2200.  Temp did not reach 32 today.  Tomorrow temps will be in mid 30s.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

December 16, 2020

Wednesday December 16, 2020

Wednesday’s blog was almost finished when I tried to make the font size change.  !!Bummer I lost the entire post.

This is a simplified reconstruction of Wednesday’s blog.

Up at 0600. Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Got coffee and bagel from Panera.  Oatmeal breakfast. 

I signed on to Zoom at 0730 and was surprised that almost 50 folks were in attendance.

Today’s speaker was the retired head, David DeBruyn, of the GR Public Museum’s observatory.  His talk was titled “The Great Planetary Conjunction of December 2020, The Star of Bethlehem Revisited.  The same rare conjunction also occurred at the time of Christ’s birth.  The blending of science and religion was interesting.

After BC I took a 5 mile bike ride around the neighborhood.

Nancy and I spent some time running errands after lunch.

This afternoon spent time in office.  Took a short walk and a nap.

For dinner we had our usual Cheerios with blueberries.

Tonight we watched an Agatha Christie mystery on Acorn.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening. Everything ok.

It was clear and cold when checked the yard at 2200.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 15, 2020

 Tuesday December 15, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  It was cold 21 but no wind.  Nancy will delay her walk until noon today. She made a quick trip to Walmart for supplies.

Did my at home calisthenics before dressing and heading to Panera.  I bought coffee, bagel and a bowl of oatmeal.

At home fixed breakfast before getting on the bike and riding 5 miles to the Y.  Since the lockdown the Y has not been crowded.  I did calisthenics and walked 50 minutes.

The temperature when I left the Y was only several degrees warmer than when I started.  However, with no wind the ride was pleasant.  Saw no critters today.

At home took a hot shower and spent time reading emails and newspapers.  My favorite newspapers are: Alpena News, Detroit News, The Telegraph and WSJ.  

Lunch and then returned to office to continue writing blog.  About 1600 put out corn for deer before a nap.

This afternoon Nancy took her daily 3 mile walk.  

At 1730 Nancy said two deer were feasting on the corn.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed spaghetti with a great meat sauce.  Watched some news before switching to Restless on Acorn.  This was the last episode.  I liked the show and gave it a B+.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  They were checking on the old folk’s health.  We said everything ok and we will be first in line when the vaccine becomes available.

Temp in mid 20s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temp will remain in low 20s all night.  We have not had a day with temps in teens.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 14, 2020

 Monday December 14, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Headed downstairs for some calisthenics.  Nancy will head out on her morning walk as soon as it is light.  Sunrise today 0805.  We now have 9hr 02’ of daylight.  

After my calisthenics I dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal and had breakfast.

Today I will try to minimize my left sinus exposure to the cold wind.  I put on winter clothes and got out my snowboarder’s helmet.  This helmet keeps my head super warm on these cold day.

Today I took a mile off my ride to the Y.  Tried to keep the wind at my back.  

At the Y I finished my calisthenics and today I walked 1.5 miles. At home took a very hot shower.  I told Nancy I was in for the day.

This and that:

Today, to much fanfare, the Coronavirus vaccine is being administered.  This is great news.

The Republican Georgia Election official has said the election was fair.  For his honesty he has been given death threats.  Shame on the cowardly folks making these threats.

The Electoral College meets today to certify the election.  Every election year folks argue about the merits of the Electoral College.  Nothing is ever done.  I say keep the College.

The US Treasury and Commerce Department computer systems were hacked.  Those in the know say it was the Russians.  Why can’t we retaliate?

On my bike ride I did encounter some light snow showers but nothing stuck.  Good Grief Dec 14 and no measurable snow so far.  

We have all our Christmas decorations in place.  Every day we received a Christmas box from either Amazon, UPS, FedEX and the USPS.  All packages are delivered in corrugated cardboard.  The price of corrugated must be high.  

On this date in 1962 it was a Friday and Ensign Scott after 1 year, two weeks, 3 days and 17 hours was going home.  Boarded the Log flight from Midway Island to Hawaii.  I was the happiest person in the world.  

Grabbed a military flight to San Francisco.  At SFO bought commercial flights to Alpena, Mi with stops in Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Tri City and finally Alpena.

It was 72 when I left Midway and when I landed in Alpena on Sunday morning it was 17.  Mom and Dad were at the airport to greet me.  They sure looked good.  I would stay home until just after Christmas and then took a flight to San Diego to attend a school before departing to Vietnam.  Good grief that was 58 years ago.  I can remember small details but can’t remember if I took my pills this morning.

Today after lunch I spent time in office reading until 1530.  Put out corn for deer and then took a short nap.

Tonight we had a light dinner of Cheerios, blueberries and a croissant.  We watched the news before switching to Acorn.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Restless on Acorn.  We both liked the show.  It only has two episodes.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR and CA.

It was already in the 20s when I checked out at 2200.  Overnight the temp will drop to low 20s.

Monday, December 14, 2020

December 13, 2020

 Sunday December 13, 2020

Blog time 1215 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  We both quickly dressed and headed to Meijer’s.  The store was empty so we had our shopping done in 45 minutes.  Today is the 13th.  I usually buy lottery tickets on the 13th but not today.  I do not gamble on Sunday.

Stopped at Panera on way home.  Purchased two coffees, bagel and bowl of oatmeal.  At home had breakfast and then set up the iPad for our morning church service from Trinity Lutheran.  Today was the 40th streaming service.

Featured today was the Children’s Christmas Program.  It was all virtual and very well done.  A lot of effort by the youth ministry.

After church Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I read some of the GRP and then drove to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  I used the Drive Thru.  Also stopped and filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $1.99.

I just finished yesterday’s blog and started today’s blog, Dec 13.

It is now 1220 and will pause while I take a very short walk.  Today’s walk was 1.4 miles.  Temp in mid30s with light wind making walking comfortable.

Light lunch today followed by a short nap.

This and that:

Prime Minister Merkel put Germany on hard lockdown after surge in coronavirus cases. 

Do you remember the hot water bottle.  The bottle was made of rubber and had a stopper to keep the water in.  To use the bottle you had to fill it with super hot water. Usually you placed the bottle under a bed’s blankets near your feet.  On cold winter nights it would keep your feet warm.

BRexit is still commanding a lot of the UK’s press.  Appears some hard core talks are going on.

The hard core supporters of President Trump will not give up.  Despite all information that the election was fair they insist it was stolen.  What kind of pills are these fools taking.

Great to see the US Supreme Court making logical decisions.  Disappointing to see so many GOP legislators backing the Texas lawsuit.  What are they afraid off.  Retaliation by the bully President.  They look weak.

In cold weather I get infections in my left sinus.  I think it is caused by the damage done to this area when I had singles in my left eye.  Today I felt an infection starting so I upped my Motrin intake.  Hope it works.

This afternoon I turned on the electric blanket on the bed downstairs.  Started reading thinking I would soon fall asleep.  Did not happen.  An electric blanket is much better than a hot water bottle.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had bacon, spinach pie and a croissant.  Very good.  Every evening I have a small glass of prune juice.  It works.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We also watched and episode of Call The Midwifes.  This episode was a season ending Christmas Show.  The story line was about an unusual cold and snowy Christmas season in London in early 60s.  Great show.  Hot water bottles were used extensively.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Alway great to talk to the daughters.

It was cold, 28, and windy when checked this evening.  Tomorrow will also be cold and windy.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 12, 2020

Saturday December 12, 2020

Today we got up at 0630.  It had rained all night and the rain will continue all day.  The temperature was in mid 30s so no snow.

As I was starting this blog I looked out the downstairs slider and noted two deer feeding on the mineral/food block.  Even at my age I am alway excited when I see wild critters close up.

This morning I did all my calisthenics at home.  At 50% of course since it is the weekend.

After the exercises I dressed and drove to Panera in pouring rain.  Today I purchased two coffees, a bowl of oatmeal and a bagel.  I earned enough points so one coffee and the oatmeal were free.

Breakfast and then headed downstairs to do some reading.  After an hour I decided to run some errands.  

First stop was Macatawa Bank.  I have been having difficulty getting banking info on my iPhone.  The teller told me they have a brand new app.  I just had to delete to old app and download the new one.  Problem solved.

Next stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I bought a DuoFold super duper warm undershirt.  I had thought DuoFold had gone out of business but when checked on the internet found out that Dick’s carried the brand.

Next I stopped a Staples and bought a shredder.  It is almost identical to our old shredder.

This and that:

The rain turned to snow at 1600.

Breaking news! The Vaccine has left Pfizer’s manufacturing facility in Kalamazoo today.  Much fanfare.  Folks can start getting shots on Monday.

President Trump is mad that his appointees to the Supreme Court did not support the stupid Texas lawsuit regarding the election.  Get Real POTUS you lost!

Coronavirus news totally dominates TV newscasts.  I think NBC had 90% of its Friday night news dedicated to Covid.  Talk about over kill.  Next week no evening news.

After lunch I headed down to my office.  No outside activities today.  I have a sinus infection and will stay inside.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Debbie FaceTimed Nancy today and helped her install the new Apple A+ on our big TV.  Nancy gets 12 months free service because she got a new iPad.

Missy also FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose and LA.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. I stayed up and watched an episode of Fallett on Netflix.

The rain had finally stopped when checked outside at 2200. Temperature at 32.  


Saturday, December 12, 2020

December 11, 2020

 Friday December 11, 2020

Blog time 1550 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  I have a 1030 Doctor’s appointment so no Y today.

Showered and then drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal breakfast.  Left home at 1000 and headed to Doctor Winkle’s office.

Dr Winkle is my new ENT doctor.  He checked for polyps in my nose.  He found several small polyps but nothing to worry about.  He gave me a prescription for nose spray and said see you in six months.

At home put on bike clothes and took a gentle 10 mile ride.  Temp was near 40 with only light wind.  Pleasant ride.

Lunch and then I drove Nancy to Harvest Bread so she could get a loaf of seven grain bread.  She also bought an oatmeal/raisin cookie and gave me half.

At home I took a short 0.7 mile walk. I did some reading in the office.  Completed yesterday’s blog before reclining in the guest bedroom.  Read some of my current book.

This afternoon I sold some stock in an online account.  Debbie helped me complete the sale.  It is kind of scary because of how easy it is to manipulate the accounts.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop in the crock pot.  She also put onions, rice and special sauce in pot.  She also fixed Lima beans and coleslaw.  Very good.

Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called Ava.  Ava was an ex special forces women who was working for an unscrupulous gang.  A lot of martial arts fights.  I gave it a B+ Nancy gave it a C-.  

Debbie Facetimed us the evening.  We had a nice talk.  

Missy did not FaceTime us today so at 2200 I FaceTimed her.  She said she just was so busy she forgot to call.  I was glad to hear everything was ok.  

It was raining when checked outside at 2200.  Weatherman said it will rain all day tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2020

December 10, 2020

 Thursday December 10, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning 3 mile walk.

I did some calisthenics at home before heading to Panera for two coffees and a bagel.  When I pulled up to the window to pay the attendant said the lady in front had paid for my order.  I had no idea who she was.  Just a good soul with Christmas spirit.

Speaking of Christmas spirit I have started listening to Christmas music on my XM radio.  I think I am in a holiday mood.  

It was 24 when I headed out this morning on my 7 mile bike ride to the Y.  Despite the temp the ride was pleasant.  Bright sun and no wind.

Once again the Y was empty.  I did my chin-ups, push-ups and a mile walk.  It was 40 when I left the Y at 1030.

Shaved, showered and dressed before heading out on an errand.  Today I drove to Tractor Supply in Lowell.  Bought another food block for the deer.   Also bought a bag of bird seed for a new feeder I will put on the garage.

At 1300 Nancy headed out on another walk with a neighbor.  They walked 3 miles.  Nancy has walked 6 miles today.  I am totally impressed.

This and that:

Looks like no deal between UK and EU.  Should the USA be concerned?

Texas is suing several states over the recent election.  This move looks stupid.  What business does Texas have in the MI election.  One reason I am no longer a Republican.  Of course I am also not a Democrat.  I will call myself an independent.

Our Congress still has several outstanding matters that must be resolved before year’s end.  All the game playing has turned me off.  I am sure at lot of other folks feel the same way.  Maybe we need term limits?

For dinner tonight we finished the meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  Very good.  Who doesn’t like meatloaf and mashed potatoes?

Tonight we watched some news.  We finished the evening watching another episode of Whitechapel.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We bragged about our recent great weather in GR.  Weather will continue through tomorrow afternoon.  We also gave a positive health report.

It was mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Mild evening ahead.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

December 9, 2020

 Wednesday December 9, 2020

Blog time 1015 sitting in waiting room at Fox Ford

We both slept in until 0700.  First thing Nancy headed to Meijer’s to get some supplies.

It is my easy Wednesday so I did calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Oatmeal breakfast and then took the Escape to Fox Ford for an oil change.  Fox Ford was empty.  I opened up my iPad and did some reading.

Sun and unseasonably warm today.  At 1000 it was 40.

Got home at 1100.  Put on bike clothes and headed out on a 7.6 mile bike ride.  On the ride I did encountered a flock of about 12 turkeys trying to cross busy Cascade Road.  They were careful not to get caught in traffic.  They would cross in small groups only when traffic was light.  They seemed to understand when they can cross.  I was impressed.

At home quick shower, dressed and then Nancy and I got in the Fusion and drove to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  The Mall was not crowded.  I was disappointed that the stores I visited were not well stocked and what they had was second rate.  Spent about 40 minutes looking around.

Lunch and then headed downstairs to office.  I finished yesterday’s blog and spent time reading the papers.  

1600 turned on the electric blanket on a downstairs bed.  I grabbed my Kindle and started reading a new book.  I thought I would fall asleep but I ended up reading for 90 minutes.

It being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash.  

For dinner we had Cheerios with a baguette and cottage cheese.  Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched Whitechapel.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  We said everything ok.

It was clear and below freezing when I checked our front yard at 2200.  The weather folks said the Northern Lights would be visible tonight.  I made no effort to view.

I am not a big fan of Astronomy.  I don’t know if I can find the North Star.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 8, 2020

 Tuesday December 8, 2020

Slept in until 0700.  Nancy headed out for her morning walk.  Performed some calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast put on bike clothes and took my standard 7 mile ride to Y.

Y was empty.  I like an empty Y because I can always find an empty chin-up bar.  I did calisthenics and took a mile walk.

At home, shaved and showered.  This morning I got a call from my old High School class mate, Tom Cassell.  We talked for over an hour.  Great to talk to old friends from the 40s and 50s.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I sat at the dining room table and took a call from Debbie.  Debbie helped Nancy get her email on her new iPad.  After several calls to Apple support Debbie got it all straightened out.  Nancy is happy.

This and that:

It is amazing that the drug companies got a vaccine in such short time.  Just shows you we can do anything if we eliminate all the bureaucrats and stupid rules.  Getting the vaccine to the people is another logistical challenge but I am sure it will be solved.

The UK started giving the vaccine to old folks today.

I see a lot of cars transporting Christmas Trees.  This year folks are going for real trees.  One year while in high school my sister, Helen, and I headed out to a lot we owned on Lake Huron.  The lot had a lot of fir trees.  We picked one out and with much effort cut it down.  When the tree was finally set up in its stand we noted it was less than perfect.  However, it was our tree.

During my youth when I got a hole in a sock Mother would darn the hole.  To help her with this task she used a wood darning egg.  The egg was inserted in the sock to aid in the repair.  When about 7 I shopped all over town and finally found a store that sold darning eggs.  I bought  it for about $1.  It was my first purchase using money I earned cutting grass.  Wrapped the egg and put it under the tree.  My Mother did a great job of acting by saying it was a great gift.  Memories from the 40s.

This afternoon I grabbed my Kindle, turned on the electric blanket in one of the beds downstairs and started reading.  I expected to fall asleep but instead read for over an hour.

I put out corn for the deer about 1600.  Sunset is usually about 1700.  The deer arrive after sunset so we cannot see them.  Bummer!

For dinner tonight we had Nancy’s special chicken noodle soup. I had mine with a scone and cottage cheese.

We watched the news and then NCIS on CBS.  Missy FaceTimed this evening and we had a good talk.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Fallett on Netflix.  It was very mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperatures will be above normal for the next several days.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

December 7, 2020

 Monday December 7, 2020

Blog time 1545 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Nancy headed out early for a walk.  

I did some calisthenics before driving to Panera to get coffee and a bagel to have with my oatmeal breakfast.  After breakfast I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out.  It was 25 but with no wind the ride was comfortable.  Today I took the Cascade Road route to the Y.  Total miles 7 miles.

The Y was almost empty.  Most of the folks were hard core weight lifters.

I did my calisthenics followed by a mile walk.  The ride home is 3.5 miles.  Total bike miles today = 10.5 miles.

At home I showered, dressed and then got in the Fusion and ran errands. First stop Macatawa Bank to make a deposit.  Next I stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  I forgot to check the gas price.

Final stop was Gazelle Sports.  I bought a wool baclava.  Also bought Nancy a reflective vest for her morning walks.

At home I had lunch and then headed downstairs for blog writing and reading.

This and that:

The UK papers and TV news are all about the BRexit negotiations.  It looks like decision time is near.

Today December 7 is Pearl Harbor Day, as FDR said a day that will go down in infamy.  Do you think many 14 year old kids know about this day.

 In my Navy days I met several folks who were in Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack.  It was a total surprise.

Michigan Governor has extended to lock down until Dec 20.

After the news Nancy and I watched a London crime show on Acorn. I cannot remember the name.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Fallet on Netflix.  A Swedish/UK mystery.  I like the show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was cold, low 30s, when checked front yard at 2200.  Snow predicted for this weekend.  

Monday, December 7, 2020

December 6, 2020

 Sunday December 6, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0730 this morning

Dressed and headed to Panera for two coffees and a bagel.  Fixed my oatmeal breakfast.

At 0915 turned on my iPad and switched to YouTube for the 39th virtual service from Trinity Lutheran.  Yes folks 39 Sundays watching Church on the iPad.  The normal attendance is 900.  I think that is pretty good.

Nancy started out on a walk.  I soon followed. Today I walked 3.2 miles.  This is my exercise for the day. 

Ice on local pond, funny seeing geese walking on ice.

Never got above freezing today. 

Spent some time reading the GRP’s comics and obituaries before lunch.  Light lunch and then helped Nancy get her new iPad working.  It was pretty simple.  The only problem we had was with emails.  Still a work in progress.

Like yesterday I headed downstairs to the guest bedroom.  Turned on the electric blanket and read several chapters of my current book.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie, bacon and a scone.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  Later we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  We finished a series.  It was good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  

It was in the high 20s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Low tonight expected to be in mid 20s.  Winter is finally here.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

December 5, 2020

 Saturday December 5, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  It was dark.  Temperature was 29.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  She did wear her reflective vest.

Started the morning with some light calisthenics. Dressed and drove to Panera.  Bought two coffees and a bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I ran some errands.  First stop was laundry where I picked up 4 shirts.  Stopped at Chow Hound and bought 35# bag of corn.  Next stop was D&W.  Mailed my Christmas cards and bought beer, bananas, and coleslaw.  I then drove to Gazelle Sport to buy a baclava.  I arrived at 1000. I thought they opened at 1000 but they changed hours and did not open until 1100.  Drove to Dick’s but they did not have any baclava.

 At home put on bike clothes and headed out.  Today I headed to Ada.  Total miles traveled 10.8 miles. No critters spotted.

Shaved and showered and then lunch.  After lunch Nancy wanted me to go to PO and mail some packages.  I used the satellite PO at D&W.  

Noted when got home that Nancy had left a note saying she was on a short walk.  Not a bad idea so I took a 0.75 mile walk. Got home before Nancy.  No surprise because Nancy’s short walk was 2 miles.

This and that:

In my high school years my favorite winter sport was ice hockey.  We played outside on natural ice.  The City did not flood the rinks until mid December.  After Thanksgiving we looked for frozen ponds.  The first pond to freeze was an abandoned limestone quarry.  Someone would usually checked the quarry daily.  When the ice was thick enough the word got out and the quarry was filled with hockey players.  Pond hockey is the best.

Noted on recent cold morning a thin coat of ice on local ponds. It is usually gone by midday.

Big new workout item, weighted vest.  Saw several advertisements in Health magazines.  What’s the big deal!  I bought a 20# weighted vest in 1962.  I wore it everyday on my 2 mile run on the Midway Island beach.

Coronavirus still dominates the news.  When will folks reach their saturation point and just ignore the news.

President Trump’s harassment of Georgia elected officials could backfire causing the GOP to lose the Senate.  

CDC says wear a mask inside.  Good idea but how many will comply.

This afternoon I took my Kindle downstairs and reclined on one of the beds in the guest bedroom.  Turned on the electric blanket and read several chapters of a Ken Follett book on England around the year 1,000 AD.  The ruling class at that time were nasty.  Probably a reason my ancestors left in 1632.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.  We watched no news tonight but switched to Acorn and watched a Midsomer Murders episode from season 19.  I think we are getting close to the last episode.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and skimmed the WSJ.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We told them the we were both healthy and in fine spirits.  

It was below freezing when checked the front yard at 2200.  We had a nice bright moon.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

December 4, 2020

 Friday December 4, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting in living

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her 3.25 mile walk.  It was dark when she started but I gave her a reflective vest to wear.  We have 9 hours and 10 minutes of daylight.

Calisthenics and then headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel. At home I fixed my oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I put on my winter riding clothes and headed out on my 7 mile ride to the Y.  It was 34 with wind chill in 20s.

Once again the Y was not crowded.  Calisthenics and a mile walk.

When got home my speedometer said I rode 10.5 miles.  Kim was cleaning and Nancy was at her heart doctor.  This was an annual appointment to get her pacemaker checked out.

Showered, dressed and waited for Nancy.  She got home at 1130.  Her pacemaker is working fine.  It has about 6 more years of life.

It being Friday we took a ride through rural West Michigan.  Today we headed south to Barry County.  We drove about Gun Lake.  I could not believe how many new homes have been built in Barry County in the last 10 years.  We got home at 1400.

Quick lunch and then headed down to office.

Today I wrote notes to be put in the Christmas Card I am sending out.  Yes folks I am doing Christmas cards.

Wrote blog and read email and news.  

Dinner tonight was Trader Joe’s cod dinner.  I had mine with corn and a scone. 

Tonight we watched Whitechapel on Prime. It was good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was 30 when checked garage and front yard at 2200.  Temp tomorrow morning will be in high 20s.  Sunny most of the day. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

December 3, 2020

 Thursday December 3, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Up at 0630.  Nancy headed out for her walk.  I did some calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and bagel.

After breakfast put on warm bike clothes and headed out.  It was sunny, 34 and windy.  Took the 7 mile route to the Y.

The Y this morning was empty.  I did calisthenics and walked a mile.  The ride home was ok because the wind was at my back.

At home shaved and showered.  I decided that I had done enough exercises for the day so no outside walk.

Cleaned my in basket this morning.  How can a retired guy get behind on reading mail.

Lunch and then activities for rest of day.

Got on line with LL Bean and bought a sweater and shirt with hoodie.  Used gift cards that were given to me during the year.

Called Fox Ford and asked about procedures for getting an oil change for the Escape.  The only thing different was I had to wear a mask.  Also no free coffee.

Took a short nap.

This and that:

Coronavirus denial among folks is a big problem.  Most won’t take vaccine.  When the vaccine is available,  I will be first in line.

California on lockdown, no impact on kids so far.

President still thinks the election was rigged despite evidence to the contrary.   Give it up POTUS.

Eavesdropping on several old men at Y I was surprised that they agree with POTUS.  

VP Harris’s senior staff is all female.  Tough job market for young men.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Also had a scone.  Great meal.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Started watching Midsomer Murders about 10 minutes into the program and our internet went down.  I checked the modem and unplugged all the connections for about a minute.  Plugged back in and the internet came on.  Sometimes just a simple unplug works.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  Temp in mid 30s and will stay in 30s all night.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 2, 2020

Wednesday December 2, 2020

Blog time 1800, sitting in office.

Up with the alarm at 0606.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Once again today’s meeting is on Zoom.

Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal for breakfast.  Standard breakfast oatmeal w/yogurt topping, banana, bagel and coffee.

Sat down and joined BC at exactly the 0730 starting time.  Today’s speaker did not show.  However, one member said we had some members who were born in a foreign county.  Four members gave a brief discussion of their arrival in the USA.  After their introduction a robust discussion followed.  It was a great meeting.  

After the meeting I did some at home calisthenics.  Today being my easy Wednesday the calisthenics were done at 50%. Decided no Y today.  

Put on my warm bike riding clothes and headed out on a 10.5 mile ride.  Almost at the end of the ride a deer ran right in front of me.  If I was more alert I could of touched her.

Rest of days activities:

Bought a pair of pants online.  Did not like so went online to find the return policy.  Finally found the procedure.

Gathered up trash.  This week I needed an extra bag for a pumpkin and corn cobs.

Did a load of laundry.  


Drove to Macatawa Bank to get Kim’s Christmas bonus.

Stopped at D&W’s satellite post office to mail my pants back to supplier.

Took a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy had a 1800 Zoom meeting with her group called “Women who Care, WWC”.  85 members were in attendance.  Zoom crashed several minutes before the end of the meeting.  Nancy thought she had punched the wrong button.  She got a message saying the crash impacted everyone.

Dinner tonight was cheerios with baguette.  We watched news.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We had a long discussion with both.  Nancy headed to bed early.  I started watching a foreign crime show on Netflix.  Immediately fell asleep and woke up to episodes later.  

Temperature in mid 30s when checked outside at 2200.  More wind and cold tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December 1, 2020

 Tuesday December 1, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700.  Calisthenics and then headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Oatmeal breakfast before heading out on my 7 mile ride to the Y.  Stiff 17 mph wind made the wind chill in the 20s, BRR.  On these cold days I have been wearing a Baklava.  Great cold weather gear.  Keeps my head warm.

Nancy’s heel was acting up last night so she did not sleep well.  No morning walk this morning.  Instead Nancy went shopping at Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Meijer’s and the Dollar Store.  Sure sounds like a lot of exercise to me.

Like yesterday the Y was not crowded.  I did some calisthenics and finished with a mile walk.  The bike ride home was pleasant because the sun was out and I had the wind at my back.

At home I shaved and showered.  Dressed and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Costco was busy but they had enough lines open that checkout was a breeze. 

This and that:

Every day President Trump becomes more irrelevant.  His rants do not make sense.  Why haven’t GOP legislators told him to shut up.

Today is first day of Meteorological winter not to be confused with Astronomical Winter that starts on the Winter Solstice, Dec 21.

Lunch and then retreated down to my office.  Spent rest of afternoon reading.

Tonight Nancy fixed Penne with a turkey sauce from Trader Joe’s.  Good.

Watched the Shepard Smith news show on CNBC and then switched to CBS to watch NCIS.  Surprise, Frosty displaced NCIS.

Watched the last episode of season 2 Jack Ryan tonight.  I liked the show.  Great Guy show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

It was cold and windy when checked the yard at 2200.  More wind and cold tomorrow.