Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday August 10, 2016

Blog time: 2050

Too much Olympics last night so I slept in until nearly 0700.

Today is my easy day. I did my calisthenics at home, 50%.

Biked to Panera for breakfast. I had their oatmeal breakfast.

I am now getting the NYT for my morning read.

I headed home after Panera and changed into my bike clothes. Took a 16 mile ride.

It was a great day for a ride. Temps reached 90 this afternoon.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon.

After lunch I emptied the waste baskets and did a load laundry.

Left home at 1530 and headed to Carelink. My breathing machine is working fine but I have a full face mask. I wanted to try a mask that just covered my nose.

I tried on several masks and found one I liked. I was surprised at how cheap the mask was. Thank god for Medicare.

On way home I stopped at Costco. Bought Cheerios, cheese and lotion. Stopped at Subway and bought a sub for dinner.

Nancy has book club tonight. Ate my sub and watched the news.

After dinner I took a walk around the block. It was 89 degrees.

Tonight we watched the Olympics. If the outside temp gets to the mid 70s at midnight I will turn off the AC.

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