Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday August 18, 2016

Blog time: 1745

Sitting on the deck drinking lemonade and writing this blog.

We had another nice day with temps in the mid 80s.

Swim day for Nancy and I followed my normal routine.

Bike to Y, calisthenics and coffee at Panera.

Good to be back reading the WSJ.

Russia, Iran and Syria are running circles around the US administration.

Russia is also making mischief in the Ukraine.

Is Venezuela the world's biggest basket case?  Folks cannot even get basic supplies like toilet paper.  Socialism never works.

Headed home early because we have a 1300 meeting with our financial advisor.  Bottom line, we are not yet poor.

Nancy spent the rest of the afternoon at her friend Kathi's pool.  Kathi had some friends over for an afternoon swim.  Perfect afternoon to be at a pool.

Took Ms P on our short walk today.

We had a marinated slaw salad with chicken for dinner.  It was great.

Watched the news and then took a walk around the block.

We are now watching the Olympics.

Ryan Lochte and his fellow party goers embarrassed the USA.  They should apologize.

Since the Olympics have been on TV we have not watched Netflix.  Next week!

We now have 13h 45' of daylight, down from 15h in June.

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