Sunday, August 28, 2016

Saturday August 27, 2016

Blog time: 1720

Happy Birthday Nancy: yes folks on this day in 1942 the love of my life was born in Terre Haute, In.

It was sprinkling when we began our weekly walk to Panera. We had our standard fare for breakfast. Panera was not very crowded but in a couple of weeks after school starts the place will be jammed.

It was pouring rain when we left Panera. Luckily it was not cold. We changed as soon as we got home.

We both spent some time packing. The Taurus was nearly out of gas so I filled up.

About noon the rain had stopped so I walked to the Cascade library. The library has a quiet reading room with comfortable chairs. I found nothing interest in the papers. I have been reading some opinion page articles in the NYT. I have been really turned off by the nastiness of the articles. America's paper has lost it claim to being fair and civil.

We drove to Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription. Costco was jammed. We did not buy anything because we did not want to stand in line.

As soon as we got home Nancy ran an errand and I took a nap.

Missy and AJ called last night to wish Nancy a Happy Birthday. Nancy also talked to Lucas and Alessandra this afternoon. Steve's family was headed to a Dodger/Cubs BB game.

Nancy's sister, Peg, called this afternoon. Peg and DeWight are doing fine. DeWight was getting ready to watch the Cub's game. Same game as Steve's family is attending.

Debbie texted Nancy this morning wishing her a HB. Debbie will FaceTime her tonight.

We are now heading out to Houlihan's for dinner. Stay tuned

Sunday 1745

Houlihan's was busy but we were lucky no wait. We both had wine and I had the salmon and Nancy had their chicken salad. A very pleasant birthday dinner.

We stopped at Fresh Tyme to get some cheese. We have cheese and crackers at 2000 every night.

Debbie face timed and wished Nancy a HB. We had a nice talk.

Watched a Netflix TV series based on Charles Manson. It was not good.

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