Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday August 19, 2016

Blog time:  1600

I had to turn the lights on when I took Ms P out this morning.

It was cloudy and very humid this morning. Temp was 70.

I am glad that today is Friday.

We had three deer walk across the back yard this morning.  No matter how old I get I still enjoy seeing wildlife.

Today I put my supplies in my bike's rack instead of my backpack.  The backpack is too dark and obstructs my white or high visibility shirt.  I want sleepy drivers to see me, especially as the days get shorter.

Folks must still be on vacation because the Y was not very crowded.

It was starting to sprinkle when I left the Y.  I hightailed it to Panera.

Mr Trump is sure having trouble putting together a team.  As I mentioned before neither he or Clinton will receive my vote.

I keep reading about Russia moving troops to its border with Ukraine.  They are also using bases in Iran to bomb Syria.

China is playing the 900# gorilla in the room with regards to the South China Sea.

The world is becoming a dangerous place.  I think both Russia and China see a weakness in the USA.

On a happy note Nancy and I have enjoyed the Olympics.

Nancy and her friend Kathi made a shopping trip to our new Tangers Discount Mall.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Vitales in Ada for dinner.  We were surprised that for a Friday night Vitales was not busy.  The food was good.

I was walking around the block when I got a call from Debbie.  She was stuck in traffic on the 101.  Debbie is driving down to Santa Barbara.  She is meeting Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra for the weekend.  Steve has to work this weekend.

It is now 2045 and we are watching the Olympics.  I like the pole vault, men and women.

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