Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday August 21, 2016

Blog time: 1700, sitting on deck writing.

Sunday swim day, up at 0650 and head to the Y.  We were lucky today because we were first folks In pool.  Five minutes after we started the pool was full.

I continue doing my BBC medley, back/breast/crawl stroke.  Adding the backstroke makes the swim more enjoyable.

After the Y we head to Meijer's for some supplies.  Meijer's is having major problems staffing their Starbucks, so I buy our coffee at Panera.  The Meijer's gas station is closed for renovations.

Got our coffee at Panera, stopped at home to empty the car and then headed out to get gas.  High test gas today was $2.79.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.  I also had sourdough toast with peanut butter.

The weather has been intermittent rain and sun.  High temp today was a cool 72.  I can't believe I called 72 cool.  It has also been windy.  I note a tinge of fall in the wind.

After breakfast I took Ms P on a long walk, 1.7 miles.

I did take my afternoon nap.

I wanted a different route for today's walk.  I walked to the Cascade Twp Park near I96.  It is 1.5 miles from the condo with several big hills.  A very pleasant walk.  Next week I will try it with my bike.  I think I can climb the hills.

Tomorrow morning Nancy is driving to Petoskey.  She is meeting my sister, Helen, and several other Albion classmates.  They are staying at "The Terrace Inn".  Sounds like a good time for the girls.

I am still getting the NYT on my iPad.  I know it likes to call itself America's paper, but I think it is highly over rated.  The paper is poorly laid out, the articles are poorly written and the editorial staff are too self important.  A bunch of stuffed shirts.

I think a major problem we have with governing today is that the pols will not compromise.  They do not want to get along with legislators from the other party.    I think the reason for this attitude is that today's pol were never in the military.  The military throws everyone into this big pot and you have to get along.  Bring back the draft.

Nancy is grilling burgers for dinner tonight.  Smells good!

After dinner I will take my evening walk, read the GRP and watch the closing ceremonies for the Olympics.

I enjoyed watching the games.  Tomorrow it is back to Netflix.  The fall line up on the three networks does not look good.

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