Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 23, 2016

Blog time: 1500

Sitting on deck drinking lemonade and waiting for plumber to reinstall our new kitchen sink.  This morning the contractor came and put in our new countertops,

I got up at 0550 and did my calisthenics at home.  I also spent some time on the rowing machine.  Of course the contractors were scheduled for 0730 but were an hour late.  When they finally got started it did not take long.  The countertops look great.  Tomorrow the tile back splash will be installed.

Nancy spent yesterday up in Petoskey with college friends.  She is on her way home and should be home for dinner.

Spent most of the morning on the deck reading the WSJ.

Do drug companies have a legitimate reason for the astronomical increase in prices?  I don't think so.  They are going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.  I would not be surprised if I see a national single payer health system in my life time.

I use to consider myself a politico junkie.  Lately I have become so mad at politicians that I am fast losing interest.  Problem solving is not that difficult!

Bowles-Simpson had a rational plan for reducing the deficit, but pols from both parties have ignored it.

After the contractor left I took Ms P on a long walk.  Today is another great summer day.  Temps in the 70s with bright blue sky.

Nancy got home about 1600.  She had a great time up north.

I took a long nap.  Nancy started putting all the kitchen tools we had to move for the contractors.

For dinner tonight we walked to Leo's.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and a biscuit, I had a Club sandwich with soup.  Leo's is very close but the food is only c+.

I ended my outside activities with a two mile walk.

We watched Marcellus on Netflix.

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