Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday August 25, 2016

Blog time: 1745, sitting on deck, drinking lemonade and writing.

Heavy rain last night and we woke to high humidity and skies threatening rain.

Nancy headed out early for her swim. I stayed home and did my exercise routine including a 2,000 m row.

Showered and waited for the tile man. He arrived on schedule, 0900.

The tile man was going to grout the tile but the high humidity retarded the curing of the adhesive holding the tile to the wall. The tile needs more cure time so the grouting was postponed until tomorrow. Nancy and I agreed with his decision.

At 1000 I got on my bike and headed to Panera.

Turkey's Erdogan is using the failed coup as an excuse to purge all his opposition. The Turks and US are also at odds regarding the Kurds in Syria.

The US Presidential election is getting very nasty. It is embarrassing.

After Panera I get on the bike and head out on a 12 mile ride. The dark rain clouds looked like they were ready to burst but today I was lucky.

Nancy's friend Kathi stopped by and brought a lunch and a birthday present for Nancy.

After lunch I took Ms P on a short walk. It was too hot and humid for a longer walk.

Next week we are going on a tour of the National Parks in the northern Rockies. It is a Roads Scholar tour.

This afternoon I started packing.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and cooked apples. It was great.

Took a walk around the block and then read the GRP. We are now watching Hinterland on Netflix. Pretty grim.

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