Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friday August 5, 2016

Blog time: Saturday @ 1324

TGIF does this mean anything for a retired person?

Another nice warm sunny day with high temps in mid 80s.

Heavy construction on Cascade Rd makes the bike ride a challenge.

The Y was not very crowded folks must be on vacation. I did note several high school kids getting ready for fall sports.

Panera also was not very crowded.

I am getting tired reading about the elections and what the Bank of England, Bank of Japan and Feds are doing.

Both the Dems and GOP are against free trade. I am a free trader. Loss of US jobs is not caused by trade but technology.

Took Ms P on a short walk. Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco. It was very crowded almost like CA.

We did not go out tonight because we are going out tomorrow. We are having an early dinner, 1600. Meeting the Namey's at Rose's.

We watched the opening ceremony from Rio.

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