Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday August 1, 2016

Monday morning and we are back 100% to normal.

After breakfast I pedaled the 7.5 miles to the Y for my calisthenics.

Had had my usual coffee at Panera.

Reading the WSJ is easy now that I don't read articles on the election.

I do hope the Olympics go off without a hitch.

We had a nice sunny Summer's day.

Recently I took a sleep test and the Doctor said I have Sleep Apnea. Today I headed to Carelink to pick up a machine I will use when sleeping to keep my air passages open. I was given a quick lessons on how the machine works.

Temps are in the mid 80s so I took Ms P on our short nature walk. She has problems with high temps.

Light dinner and then it looks like a Netflix evening.

The days are now 15' shorter than in June, bummer. I love the long days of summer and hate to see them go.

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