Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday August 28, 2016

Blog time: 1800

Sunday morning and we get up and ready for our weekly swim. Surprise the pool was closed.

I think we were both glad that we did not go swimming.

For breakfast we headed to Cheri Inn in Eastown. Cheri Inn is a great place to have breakfast. We arrived just in time because a long line developed right after we sat down.

After a pleasant breakfast we headed home.

I finished the morning with a ten mile bike ride.

Nancy and I finished packing this afternoon.

I took a short nap. It was a hot sunny day. In fact it was too hot to walk to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. I drove.

We had a light dinner. I then walked to the mail box to post some letters.

We are now watching 60 Minutes.

Brought the bags up and called the taxi for a 0600 pick up. Stay tuned.

Saturday August 27, 2016

Blog time: 1720

Happy Birthday Nancy: yes folks on this day in 1942 the love of my life was born in Terre Haute, In.

It was sprinkling when we began our weekly walk to Panera. We had our standard fare for breakfast. Panera was not very crowded but in a couple of weeks after school starts the place will be jammed.

It was pouring rain when we left Panera. Luckily it was not cold. We changed as soon as we got home.

We both spent some time packing. The Taurus was nearly out of gas so I filled up.

About noon the rain had stopped so I walked to the Cascade library. The library has a quiet reading room with comfortable chairs. I found nothing interest in the papers. I have been reading some opinion page articles in the NYT. I have been really turned off by the nastiness of the articles. America's paper has lost it claim to being fair and civil.

We drove to Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription. Costco was jammed. We did not buy anything because we did not want to stand in line.

As soon as we got home Nancy ran an errand and I took a nap.

Missy and AJ called last night to wish Nancy a Happy Birthday. Nancy also talked to Lucas and Alessandra this afternoon. Steve's family was headed to a Dodger/Cubs BB game.

Nancy's sister, Peg, called this afternoon. Peg and DeWight are doing fine. DeWight was getting ready to watch the Cub's game. Same game as Steve's family is attending.

Debbie texted Nancy this morning wishing her a HB. Debbie will FaceTime her tonight.

We are now heading out to Houlihan's for dinner. Stay tuned

Sunday 1745

Houlihan's was busy but we were lucky no wait. We both had wine and I had the salmon and Nancy had their chicken salad. A very pleasant birthday dinner.

We stopped at Fresh Tyme to get some cheese. We have cheese and crackers at 2000 every night.

Debbie face timed and wished Nancy a HB. We had a nice talk.

Watched a Netflix TV series based on Charles Manson. It was not good.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday August 26, 2016

Blog time: 2020

It was dark at 0630 but bright and sunny at 0800.

Nancy had a step class at MVP. I once again did my routine at home.

Showered had breakfast and waited for the tile man. He arrived started grouting then stopped and informed me the grout was still not cured.

The grouting will be finished when we get home from our trip. Bummer!

Headed to Panera for my coffee and read. The World News section of the WSJ was almost entirely dedicated to the Middle East. I started reading when I overheard a regular customer talking about his Navy seabee experience in Vietnam. We started comparing notes and ended up talking for over an hour.

After Panera I got on the bike and took a 12 mile bike ride. Beautiful day for a ride.

Kim came to clean today and she took Ms P. We will pick her on Sep 11.

Lunch and then I got in Cobalt and ran errands.

Took a walk around the block and then a short nap.

Nancy and I walked to a Mexican Cafe near the condo.

Nancy just got a call from Missy and AJ wishing her a Happy Birthday.

We are watching the last episode of Marcella on Netflix.

Fall is in the air. Yesterday I almost got hit by a ripe walnut falling from a tree. Noted some color on the maple trees.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday August 25, 2016

Blog time: 1745, sitting on deck, drinking lemonade and writing.

Heavy rain last night and we woke to high humidity and skies threatening rain.

Nancy headed out early for her swim. I stayed home and did my exercise routine including a 2,000 m row.

Showered and waited for the tile man. He arrived on schedule, 0900.

The tile man was going to grout the tile but the high humidity retarded the curing of the adhesive holding the tile to the wall. The tile needs more cure time so the grouting was postponed until tomorrow. Nancy and I agreed with his decision.

At 1000 I got on my bike and headed to Panera.

Turkey's Erdogan is using the failed coup as an excuse to purge all his opposition. The Turks and US are also at odds regarding the Kurds in Syria.

The US Presidential election is getting very nasty. It is embarrassing.

After Panera I get on the bike and head out on a 12 mile ride. The dark rain clouds looked like they were ready to burst but today I was lucky.

Nancy's friend Kathi stopped by and brought a lunch and a birthday present for Nancy.

After lunch I took Ms P on a short walk. It was too hot and humid for a longer walk.

Next week we are going on a tour of the National Parks in the northern Rockies. It is a Roads Scholar tour.

This afternoon I started packing.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice and cooked apples. It was great.

Took a walk around the block and then read the GRP. We are now watching Hinterland on Netflix. Pretty grim.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wednesday August 24, 2016

Blog time:  2045

Today is my easy Wednesday, up at 0630.  I do the calisthenics at 50% and then row 10 minutes.  I showered and biked to Panera.

Nancy stayed home today.  The contractor installed the tlle backsplash.  He finished about 1600.

Tomorrow he will grout the tiles.  I think the new countertops look great.  Nancy likes the counters and is pleased with her choice of colors.

Panera was very crowded today.  I found a seat and sitting next to me was my old insurance agent, Russ Olivier, and his wife, Nancy.  Russ is also retired.  We had a nice talk.

I keep reading about the potential economic problems in China.  Some folks say the country will implode and others says the party is too entrenched.  I think China has major problems with large state run industries.  They will probably muddle through.

I was checking the world's largest countries by population.  There is not one EU country in the top fifteen.  Germany is #16 and its population is not growing.  Russia #9 is also losing population.  I think our economic future is probably tied to Asia.   Congress should pass the Asia trade treaty.

After Panera I took a 10 mile bike ride.  The heavy rains bypassed us today.

This afternoon I stopped at Fitzgerald's and bought a micro fleece full zip jacket.  I bought one last year and love it.  Visited Orvis but did not find anything I needed.  Bought telephone cable at Best Buy.

Took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Light dinner, watched the news and took a walk around the block.

We watched Marcella on Netflix and then Alpha House on Amazon, both good shows.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 23, 2016

Blog time: 1500

Sitting on deck drinking lemonade and waiting for plumber to reinstall our new kitchen sink.  This morning the contractor came and put in our new countertops,

I got up at 0550 and did my calisthenics at home.  I also spent some time on the rowing machine.  Of course the contractors were scheduled for 0730 but were an hour late.  When they finally got started it did not take long.  The countertops look great.  Tomorrow the tile back splash will be installed.

Nancy spent yesterday up in Petoskey with college friends.  She is on her way home and should be home for dinner.

Spent most of the morning on the deck reading the WSJ.

Do drug companies have a legitimate reason for the astronomical increase in prices?  I don't think so.  They are going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.  I would not be surprised if I see a national single payer health system in my life time.

I use to consider myself a politico junkie.  Lately I have become so mad at politicians that I am fast losing interest.  Problem solving is not that difficult!

Bowles-Simpson had a rational plan for reducing the deficit, but pols from both parties have ignored it.

After the contractor left I took Ms P on a long walk.  Today is another great summer day.  Temps in the 70s with bright blue sky.

Nancy got home about 1600.  She had a great time up north.

I took a long nap.  Nancy started putting all the kitchen tools we had to move for the contractors.

For dinner tonight we walked to Leo's.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and a biscuit, I had a Club sandwich with soup.  Leo's is very close but the food is only c+.

I ended my outside activities with a two mile walk.

We watched Marcellus on Netflix.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday August 22, 2016

Blog time: 2040

Monday morning and it looks like another sunny day.

This morning Nancy is heading up to Petoskey.  She is meeting some Albion classmates for a summer get together.

It was cool this morning, 53, so I put on a sweatshirt for some warmth.

At the Y I was talking to a new member, Rob.  I assumed he was about my age.  He was in Vietnam the same years I was.   He was from Sebewaing.  Sebewaing is in Michigan's Thumb.  It is on Saginaw Bay.  Sebewaing Beer was a favorite of my friends in Alpena.

I told Rob I was from Alpena and he asked if I knew Jim Dutcher.  Jim Dutcher was one of the finest basketball player to ever play at AHS.  He played BB at UM.  Jim had a successful career as a BB coach.  He had winning teams at Eastern Michigan and Minnesota.  His son is the assistant coach at San Diego State.  Rob is Jim Dutcher's first cousin.  Jim's mother, Hazel, was Rob's aunt and my Sunday School teacher.  Another small world story.

Panera was very crowded this morning.

It doesn't look like the Asian trade agreement will pass.  I am all for free trade.

Turkey still has not figured out if it wants to be friends with Russia.  Russia wants Assad to stay and Turkey says he must go.  I think the USA also wants Assad to go.  The US foreign policy is not well defined.  We appear weak.

The US economy seems to be humming along despite all the negative talk from experts.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a long walk.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and visited the GMC dealer.  I am looking at a GMC Terrain SUV.  The SUV must have six cylinder, AWD and all the safety features.  Heated seats are also required.  I have a brochure and as soon as Nancy gets home I will have her check one out.

Also stopped at the Chevy dealership.  I looked at an Equinox.  The Equinox also has what I want.  My sister, Helen, likes hers.

Tomorrow the contractor is coming to install our new counter tops.  I moved the microwave and phone off the counter.  Nancy has already done most of the work.

Took a short nap.  Light dinner and the a walk around the block.  I am now watching Nat Geo Wild's show on he National Parks.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday August 21, 2016

Blog time: 1700, sitting on deck writing.

Sunday swim day, up at 0650 and head to the Y.  We were lucky today because we were first folks In pool.  Five minutes after we started the pool was full.

I continue doing my BBC medley, back/breast/crawl stroke.  Adding the backstroke makes the swim more enjoyable.

After the Y we head to Meijer's for some supplies.  Meijer's is having major problems staffing their Starbucks, so I buy our coffee at Panera.  The Meijer's gas station is closed for renovations.

Got our coffee at Panera, stopped at home to empty the car and then headed out to get gas.  High test gas today was $2.79.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.  I also had sourdough toast with peanut butter.

The weather has been intermittent rain and sun.  High temp today was a cool 72.  I can't believe I called 72 cool.  It has also been windy.  I note a tinge of fall in the wind.

After breakfast I took Ms P on a long walk, 1.7 miles.

I did take my afternoon nap.

I wanted a different route for today's walk.  I walked to the Cascade Twp Park near I96.  It is 1.5 miles from the condo with several big hills.  A very pleasant walk.  Next week I will try it with my bike.  I think I can climb the hills.

Tomorrow morning Nancy is driving to Petoskey.  She is meeting my sister, Helen, and several other Albion classmates.  They are staying at "The Terrace Inn".  Sounds like a good time for the girls.

I am still getting the NYT on my iPad.  I know it likes to call itself America's paper, but I think it is highly over rated.  The paper is poorly laid out, the articles are poorly written and the editorial staff are too self important.  A bunch of stuffed shirts.

I think a major problem we have with governing today is that the pols will not compromise.  They do not want to get along with legislators from the other party.    I think the reason for this attitude is that today's pol were never in the military.  The military throws everyone into this big pot and you have to get along.  Bring back the draft.

Nancy is grilling burgers for dinner tonight.  Smells good!

After dinner I will take my evening walk, read the GRP and watch the closing ceremonies for the Olympics.

I enjoyed watching the games.  Tomorrow it is back to Netflix.  The fall line up on the three networks does not look good.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday August 20, 2016

Blog time: 1755

Saturday morning and Bob and Nancy walk to Panera for breakfast.  Nancy had a whole grain bagel and I had oatmeal and sourdough toast.

The weather folks said that the rain would start about noon.

As soon as I got home I put on the bike clothes and headed out.

I took my Thornapple Dr, Ada Dr, Cascade Rd 14 mile route.  Stopped at Ada Bike and they adjusted my derailleur.  Shifting is now a breeze.

It was not yet raining when I got home so I took Ms P on a short walk.

Showered, lunch and then did some office work.

I was getting ready to run some errands when it started running hard.  Several minutes later the tornado siren went off and we headed downstairs.

Several tornados hit the area.  The City of Wyoming in the GR area was the hardest hit.

After the all clear it was still raining so I reclined and started reading the WSJ.  Of course I fell asleep.

For dinner tonight Nancy had a fried egg sandwich.  I finished the pizza and slaw/chicken salad.

Finished my outside activities with a walk around the block.

It is now 2100 and we are watching the Olympics.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday August 19, 2016

Blog time:  1600

I had to turn the lights on when I took Ms P out this morning.

It was cloudy and very humid this morning. Temp was 70.

I am glad that today is Friday.

We had three deer walk across the back yard this morning.  No matter how old I get I still enjoy seeing wildlife.

Today I put my supplies in my bike's rack instead of my backpack.  The backpack is too dark and obstructs my white or high visibility shirt.  I want sleepy drivers to see me, especially as the days get shorter.

Folks must still be on vacation because the Y was not very crowded.

It was starting to sprinkle when I left the Y.  I hightailed it to Panera.

Mr Trump is sure having trouble putting together a team.  As I mentioned before neither he or Clinton will receive my vote.

I keep reading about Russia moving troops to its border with Ukraine.  They are also using bases in Iran to bomb Syria.

China is playing the 900# gorilla in the room with regards to the South China Sea.

The world is becoming a dangerous place.  I think both Russia and China see a weakness in the USA.

On a happy note Nancy and I have enjoyed the Olympics.

Nancy and her friend Kathi made a shopping trip to our new Tangers Discount Mall.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Vitales in Ada for dinner.  We were surprised that for a Friday night Vitales was not busy.  The food was good.

I was walking around the block when I got a call from Debbie.  She was stuck in traffic on the 101.  Debbie is driving down to Santa Barbara.  She is meeting Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra for the weekend.  Steve has to work this weekend.

It is now 2045 and we are watching the Olympics.  I like the pole vault, men and women.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday August 18, 2016

Blog time: 1745

Sitting on the deck drinking lemonade and writing this blog.

We had another nice day with temps in the mid 80s.

Swim day for Nancy and I followed my normal routine.

Bike to Y, calisthenics and coffee at Panera.

Good to be back reading the WSJ.

Russia, Iran and Syria are running circles around the US administration.

Russia is also making mischief in the Ukraine.

Is Venezuela the world's biggest basket case?  Folks cannot even get basic supplies like toilet paper.  Socialism never works.

Headed home early because we have a 1300 meeting with our financial advisor.  Bottom line, we are not yet poor.

Nancy spent the rest of the afternoon at her friend Kathi's pool.  Kathi had some friends over for an afternoon swim.  Perfect afternoon to be at a pool.

Took Ms P on our short walk today.

We had a marinated slaw salad with chicken for dinner.  It was great.

Watched the news and then took a walk around the block.

We are now watching the Olympics.

Ryan Lochte and his fellow party goers embarrassed the USA.  They should apologize.

Since the Olympics have been on TV we have not watched Netflix.  Next week!

We now have 13h 45' of daylight, down from 15h in June.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday August 17, 2016

Blog time: 1700

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up at 0550 and head downtown.  The days are getting shorter.  It was dark on my drive downtown.

Sparse turnout this morning.  The speaker was from the City of Muskegon and she talked about the cleanup of the Port of Muskegon and Muskegon Lake.  Muskegon had some very heavy industries in this area.  In addition a very large power plant shut down this year.  The City has made a good effort in cleaning up the Port and Lake.  They even have some cruise ships visiting the port.  I thought it was an interesting talk.

The weather folks said rain this morning but I saw clear sky when I left BC.  I headed home and changed into my biking clothes.  I did stop at Panera for a quick coffee and read.  I downloaded the WSJ.

I usually read the free app for the Alpena News.  However, it is no longer free.  Bummer!

After Panera I started on a what I thought would be a long ride.  I had just gotten underway when the dark clouds started rolling in.  I could hear thunder so I altered my route and got home before a very short shower?  Instead of 14 miles I rode 8.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

Temps were in the 80 when Ms P started our walk.  We took the short nature walk.

I took a short nap and then finished reading the WSJ.

We had a light dinner.  Watched the news and walked around the block.

Spent another evening watching the  Olympics.

Tuesday August 16, 2016

Blog time: 2125 Tuesday and 1600 Wednesday

It rained hard all last night. Not raining when I took Ms P out this morning.

Nancy headed out early to go swimming at MVP. I got on the bike and pedaled to the Y.

The warm weather continues. We have been using the AC more this summer than the last five.

The Y was not very crowded. The retired folks I know must still be at their cottages.

At Panera I read the NYT. I do not like the way the NYT is laid out. I will not renew.

I cannot get over the pictures of the LA flooding. Over 24" of rainfall in a very short time. In Mi if we get 3" in 24 hours it is considered a 100 year storm.

Took Ms P on a long walk before lunch.

This afternoon I had an appointment with my eye doctor. My eyes are ok. Maybe in a couple of years I will need to have cataract surgery.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Noto's for the monthly neighborhood dinner. They had a good turnout. These dinners are very pleasant and we get to meet more of our neighbors.

Finished the evening watching the Olympics.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday August 15, 2016

Weekend Update: log time:1545 on Monday, Sitting on deck and writing this blog.

This past weekend was an Alpena weekend.

Friday, August 12: It was raining so Nancy and I drove to Panera for breakfast. Kim is coming to clean today and she is also taking Ms P for the weekend.

As soon as Kim arrived at 1000 we headed to Alpena.

I took the Lake Huron route up. Headed east to Flint and then north on I75 and US23. The US23 route is along the Huron shore line. It has been about ten years since I have taken this route and not much has changed. In fact not much has changed since the 60s.

I like the section from Oscoda north best. Lake Huron still looks good. I told Nancy when I win the lottery I want to buy a cottage on the lake, preferably near Alpena.

We rolled into Alpena about 1600. We stayed at the Sanctuary Inn (old Holiday Inn).

Our purpose in going to Alpena was to attend my 60th high school reunion. That's right folk 60.

An informal get together is scheduled for 1900. Nancy and I took a spin around the city. Alpena is going upscale. They now have a Meijer's.

We stopped at Wendy's for a quick bite. Ran into classmate and friend Bill Foster and his wife Dot, also a classmate. We sat together and caught up.

The Friday night event was just a social hour. It was good to talk to old classmates. Most of the folks attending Friday night were from out of town. Several of the mates I talked to were living full time in Arizona, Florida and Texas all warm weather states.

I really enjoyed talking and reminiscing. This year the reunion was a joint reunion between AHS and Catholic Central. AHS had 214 graduates and CC about 100.

After most folks had gone home or to their rooms I spent another hour talking with Maury Cohen and Mike McGirr. Mike and Maury were friends since kindergarten.

Saturday morning Nancy and I had the hotel's free breakfast and then headed out. First stops were Meijer's, Wall-Mart and MC sports. I was looking for AHS tee shirts for the grandkids. Found them at MC.

We stopped at the cemetery. Found the tombstones for my parents, grandparent Hughes and great grand parents McTavish. Took photos of all.

Stopped by the old family home at 123 First Ave. It looks the same. The present owners are doing a good job keeping it up. The house is over 100 years old. Took several photos.

We spent some time walking around downtown. Visited several shop including an antique mall that Nancy thought was great. I bought a bottle of wine that is made in Alpena.

We drove to Grand Lake and visited the old Presque Isle light house on the shore of Lake Huron. Grand Lake and Lake Huron are separated by a narrow strip of land.

Drove around the area and noted a lot of cottages for sale. Ten years ago we would have been interested but not today.

The official reunion started at 1700 with the main meal at 1800. A lot more classmates attended the Saturday affair. I talked to Bob Belk who was the top student in our class. First time we have seen each other since 1956. Marlene Sweitart was a farm girl who sat next to me in Latin class. She was a much better student than I was. Bob and Marlene are just some of the classmates I met.

Dinner was a Midwestern affair. Mashed potatoes, dressing and turkey.

They had a short program. I won $40 in a drawing.

Music and dancing was also on the program, Nancy and I have always enjoyed dancing.

Sunday: Quick breakfast at the hotel and then we head out. We took the short route home.

Stopped in Cedar Springs to pick up Ms P.

Light dinner, read the GRP, and watched the Olympics.

Monday: Back to normal, Nancy to MVP and I pedaled to the Y.

I stopped my ride along Spaulding to take photos of a flock of turkeys.

At Panera I read the NYT. Interesting article about one of Trump's senior advisors who worked as a consultant in the Ukraine for their former pro Russian Prime Minister. The Prime Minister was ousted for corruption, etc. He now resides in Russia. Did Trump's advisor receive some under the table payments from the ex PM? Sounds like a movie plot.

Rain expected this afternoon so took Ms P on her walk as soon as I got home.

Lunch and them I headed to Meijer's for supplies.

At 1400 the rain had not started so I walked around the block.

Light dinner, watched the news and now we are watching the Olympics.

It is now raining lightly. Heavy rain expected later tonight.

Busy but great weekend!

Nancy spent the afternoon doing laundry.

Daylight hours are getting shorter. Bummer!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday August 11, 2016

Log time: 1717

Another hot day without rain. We need rain. It was 90 at 1600.

I wore a new mask that only covered my nose on my sleep apena machine last night. The results were the best since I started using the machine. The machine is connected to the Internet and data is available for my doctor and machine provider. I can also access this data.

Nancy went swimming this morning at MVP.

It was hot so I put on a light tee shirt for my bike ride. I still was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y.

At Panera I had my coffee and read the NYT.

With Turkey and Russia now best buds I wonder is Turkey still an ally?

The battle for Aleppo is a human rights tragedy.

I don't think either of our candidates has a clue how to solve this problem.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a short walk.

Tomorrow we are leaving for Alpena to attend my 60th high school reunion.

We both finished packing this afternoon.

Nancy and I are leaving now for a light dinner at Sundance.

Blog continues: 2130

We both had the ham-de-scram at Sundance.

As soon as we got home I walked around the block.

Tonight was Olympic night.

Just took Ms P out and it was hot and humid. I think the warmest night of the summer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday August 10, 2016

Blog time: 2050

Too much Olympics last night so I slept in until nearly 0700.

Today is my easy day. I did my calisthenics at home, 50%.

Biked to Panera for breakfast. I had their oatmeal breakfast.

I am now getting the NYT for my morning read.

I headed home after Panera and changed into my bike clothes. Took a 16 mile ride.

It was a great day for a ride. Temps reached 90 this afternoon.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon.

After lunch I emptied the waste baskets and did a load laundry.

Left home at 1530 and headed to Carelink. My breathing machine is working fine but I have a full face mask. I wanted to try a mask that just covered my nose.

I tried on several masks and found one I liked. I was surprised at how cheap the mask was. Thank god for Medicare.

On way home I stopped at Costco. Bought Cheerios, cheese and lotion. Stopped at Subway and bought a sub for dinner.

Nancy has book club tonight. Ate my sub and watched the news.

After dinner I took a walk around the block. It was 89 degrees.

Tonight we watched the Olympics. If the outside temp gets to the mid 70s at midnight I will turn off the AC.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday August 9, 2016

Blog time: 1640

Another nice day, sitting on the deck writing this blog.

The temp is 88 but we have a nice breeze.

My biological clock now wakes me at 0630.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.

After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y.

My route takes me along Cascade road for about five miles. Construction along Cascade requires me to dismount several time to get around some barriers. That said the project seems to be progressing smoothly.

The new Y has been open about seven months. Most new facilities have some growing pains but the Y seems to have corrected all the little bugs.

At Panera I had to read the free Apple News and USA Today. I gave up trying to move the WSJ from my mini to the new iPad. I did download the NYT. I use to get the free Alpena News app but they now want me to pay. I will give that some thought.

The cable business news channels were all excited about Walmart buying for 3.3B.
I never heard of and why is it worth 3.3B.

Catching up on reading Time. A May issue had a cover story on capitalism in USA. I thought it was well written and I agreed with the author's findings. Time has had some good cover stories.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a walk. Wanted to get it in before it got too hot.

This afternoon I called two friends from Alpena. My first call was to Tom Collins in San Clemente, Ca. Tom was out playing golf. My second call was to Tom Cassell in Alpena. Tom was home and we had a nice talk. We will see Tom Cassell this weekend when Nancy and I attend my 60th High School reunion. Tom was going fishing later today. Great to see that both Toms enjoy outdoor activities.

Nancy spent some time today with her friend Kathi who injured herself yesterday. Kathi took a tumble.

Nancy is grilling some chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner. It smells great.

We will continue watching Olympics tonight.

I like my new iPad. Crisp display and large font make it a joy to use. The keyboard is fun to use. I typed this blog on the iPad.

This date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi GGF Sanborn wrote that it was cool except hot sun from 12-3. He worked in the post office in the afternoon. Drove to Hubbard Lake for a chicken dinner and stopped at the Bennets after supper. In rural MI in 1938 the noon meal was called dinner and the evening meal was called supper. Dinner was the big meal of the day.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday August 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Helen: Today is my sister's 75th birthday. I remember when Helen and my mother came home from the hospital. My dad carried my mom upstairs to the bedroom.

Blog Time: 2200

Today was another nice warm Summer's day. We can expect the same tomorrow. Y was very crowded. I thinks most folks are home from vacation. Practice for fall sports today.

I still have not been told how to move the WSJ from the mini to my new iPad. I read articles on the Apple news app. Also checked out USA Today. I think all the newsmakers are taking an August hiatus.

Nancy had lunch with her friends from the Blodgett guild.

Before lunch I took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk. Spent some time in the office checking email and paying bills.

I read the WSJ on my mini while reclining in bed. Nancy said I was snoring but I do not recall.

Fixed Nancy an me a lemonade. Sat on the deck and read a Lincoln Lawyer novel.

We had a light dinner. Finished my physical activity by taking a walk around the block.

We are watching the Olympics tonight. I enjoy the swimming.

Finished reading the Lincoln Lawyer book.

On these nice days I have been spending over three hour each day outside. In the winter I am lucky to get 40 minutes.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday August 7, 2016

Weekend update: blog time 1450

Saturday morning and another nice day is ahead.

Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast.

Panera was nearly empty. Is everyone on vacation?

As soon as we got home I got on the bike and took a 14 mile ride. A lot of folks were out for a ride.

It was not as hot as it has been so I took Ms P on a longer walk, 1.5.

Spent some time reading the WSJ. Is Turkey our friend? Peggy Noonan wrote an article savaging Trump. I thought She was right.

We had an early dinner with the Namey's at Rose's. We sat outside and enjoyed the view of Reed's Lake.

After dinner we headed to the Namey's for dessert. We had a pleasant evening.

Watched some Olympic swimming before turning in.

Sunday August 7

Up at 0700 and headed to the Y for our Sunday swim. The pool was crowded but we each got our preferred lane. Today I did my individual medley, backstroke, breast stroke and crawl. I gave up the backstroke at MVP because the lanes were too narrow. I kept running into the lane markers. The Y has nice wide lanes. The backstroke is now my preferred stroke.

We bought some supplies at Meijer's. The gas station is closed for repairs. I will have to find another nearby station.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle.

Took Ms P on a long walk, 1.5 miles.

Since I have started using the sleep apena machine an afternoon nap is not as important as it once was.

This afternoon I paid our Federal and MI quarterly income taxes. Also paid our Cascade Twp property taxes. Walked to nearest post box to mail the taxes.

Nancy fixed Hamburg for dinner. Also corn on the cob.

After the dishes I took a walk around the block.

We spent the evening watching the olympics.

Today was another nice warm Summer's day. We can expect the same tomorrow.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friday August 5, 2016

Blog time: Saturday @ 1324

TGIF does this mean anything for a retired person?

Another nice warm sunny day with high temps in mid 80s.

Heavy construction on Cascade Rd makes the bike ride a challenge.

The Y was not very crowded folks must be on vacation. I did note several high school kids getting ready for fall sports.

Panera also was not very crowded.

I am getting tired reading about the elections and what the Bank of England, Bank of Japan and Feds are doing.

Both the Dems and GOP are against free trade. I am a free trader. Loss of US jobs is not caused by trade but technology.

Took Ms P on a short walk. Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco. It was very crowded almost like CA.

We did not go out tonight because we are going out tomorrow. We are having an early dinner, 1600. Meeting the Namey's at Rose's.

We watched the opening ceremony from Rio.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thursday August 4, 2016

Happy Birthday Tom Collins: Tom was one of my best friends growing up. He now lives in San Clemente, Ca. Tom is 77 today.

We had another hot sunny day. Temps reached 91.

Nancy headed out early to go swimming at MVP. I had a quick breakfast and then got on the bike and headed the Y. The Y was not very busy. Must be the Dog Days of summer.

I still have not been able to move the WSJ to my new iPad. I read free news clips on the iPad. I like the new pad. The screen is sharp and the print on the larger display is easy to read.

My dentist sent me a You Tube clip telling me to keep flossing. I will.

In the past decade I have been told to stop eating eggs, drinking whole milk, and consuming protein. Now it is permissible. Go figure.

Will Trump implode? He appears to be losing the business community.

It was too hot today to take Ms P on a walk. I walked over to cleaners to pick up a vest.

This evening we drove to Shepard's Grill. Nancy had their garden burger and I had a perch sandwich.

Finished my outdoor activities with a walk around the block. We watched House Of Cards on Netflix.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wednesday August 3, 2016

Blog time: 2150

Breakfast Club Wednesday: I set the alarm for 0600 but was wide awake at 0530. It was dark when I left this morning. We had a small turnout which was unfortunate because the Speaker was quite good. He talked about programs for the visually impaired.

After BC I drove to Woodland Mall. I had coffee at Starbucks and read the WSJ. At 1000 the Apple Store opened and I picked up my new iPad Air 2. The Apple folks told me that all I had to do was sync my new iPad with my laptop. It sounded easy!

As soon as I got home I got on my bike and took a 14 miles ride.

Today was another hot sunny day. High temp was 89. Before lunch I took Ms P on a short walk.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. The big thing at the gardens is for folks to bring their pokemon games.

I did a load of laundry this afternoon. With the hot weather I change clothes about twice a day.

Took a short nap and then spent some time getting the new iPad up and running. The only problem I had was getting the WSJ on to the new device. I still have not figured out how to make the transfer.

We had a light dinner. We did watch some of the USA/NZ women soccer game.

Ended the evening watching Marcella on Netflix and Alpha House on Amazon. Love Alpha House!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday August 2, 2016

Blog time: 1952

Another beautiful summer’s day, sun and temps in the mid 80s.

We got up early this morning because we have to take the Taurus in for a 60,000 mile service.

Nancy got in the Taurus and drove to the dealer. I put my bike on the Cobalt and followed. We got to the dealer at 0700. I then drove Nancy to MVP for her swim. I unloaded my bike and pedaled to the Y.

Today’s paper had an article on how the fashion critics are panning men who wear cargo shorts. In the past month I have purchased two pair of said shorts. I love my shorts because I have a pocket for my cell phone. The same folks who pan cargo shorts would get on my case if I carried my cell on my belt.

Op-Ed in today’s WSJ by Shelia Bair former FDIC chair and now President of a small college. She commented on how the incompetent Feds discourage parents from saving for their kid’s education. Good article!

Sen Alexander from Tennessee has proposed the Feds get out of the Education business. I agree.

Before lunch I took Ms P on a short walk.

We picked up the Taurus about 1500. I was looking at a Ford SUV but after I got my bill for the 60,000 mile check up decided to put off the purchase for another year.

I took a short nap wearing my breathing device. After the nap I spent some time reading the manuals for the device. Getting old sucks!

Nancy fixed a chicken pasta for dinner. Very good.

I have been looking to upgrade my iPad. I want a larger screen. Tonight Debbie called and she helped me order an iPad. I will pick it up tomorrow.

After the news I took a short walk around the block.

We watched Agatha Raisin on Acorn tonight. I thought it was good.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday August 1, 2016

Monday morning and we are back 100% to normal.

After breakfast I pedaled the 7.5 miles to the Y for my calisthenics.

Had had my usual coffee at Panera.

Reading the WSJ is easy now that I don't read articles on the election.

I do hope the Olympics go off without a hitch.

We had a nice sunny Summer's day.

Recently I took a sleep test and the Doctor said I have Sleep Apnea. Today I headed to Carelink to pick up a machine I will use when sleeping to keep my air passages open. I was given a quick lessons on how the machine works.

Temps are in the mid 80s so I took Ms P on our short nature walk. She has problems with high temps.

Light dinner and then it looks like a Netflix evening.

The days are now 15' shorter than in June, bummer. I love the long days of summer and hate to see them go.

Sunday July 31, 2016

Blog time: 1720 on July 30

I am back after my little sabbatical. Here is an update.

Bob and Nancy along with granddaughter AJ left GR on Wed July 13 at 0530 and headed to LA.

It was a pleasant trip. We had a two aisle plane and had the three seats in the middle row. AJ sat between us. She travels well.

We picked up our rental car, Nissan Sentra, at Hertz and headed out.

We stayed at the Hampton Inn in Carson, CA. This Hampton has the best free breakfast.

Family contacts:

We had a couple of dinners with Missy and AJ.

Took Alessandra and Lucas out for breakfast twice. After breakfast we dropped them off at the camp they were attending.

Nancy and I met Steve and Veronica and the kids at the LB Park where the grandkids were attending camp. We had a pot luck dinner and then watched a musical show put on by the campers. Of course the grandkids were the stars.

Nancy and I walked along Huntington Beach.

On Sunday Nancy, Missy and AJ visited a beach house near SD. Missy was house sitting. I walked along the beach in Long Beach. In fact I walked ten miles.

Nancy and I visited a retirement community in Seal Beach. The place was called Leisure World. LW has 9,000 folks. We were shown a two bedroom unit. The unit we visited was only 600 square feet. For comparison we have over 1700 square feet on the main floor in our condo. We agreed no thanks.

Steve's birthday was on the 18th. We met Steve's family for his birthday dinner.

CA is losing some of its luster for me.

Air pollution is still a problem. Most cars have a thin layer of soot.

The traffic is terrible.

The drought has taken its toll. The vegetation is a dirty brown.

The highways and public areas suffer from a lack of maintenance.

We left CA on Tuesday the 19th and arrived in GR at 2230. The trip went smooth.

Blog continues on July 31, 2016

I attended Breakfast Club on Wednesday morning.

It took us a good week to clean our desks and get back to normal.

In the past two weeks we have had some very hot days with temps above 90.

On Sat July 23 we attended a pool party at Kathi Kothe's. Perfect day because the temps were above 90.

We also had dinner on the 22nd with the Moleski's and on the 30th with the Namey's. In both cases we came back to the condo for one of Nancy's world famous desserts.

I have been called to Jury duty in September.

On Tuesday July 26 Nancy and I drove to Port Huron to meet with US Border Patrol. We applied for a Global Entry permit. The Tuesday meeting was to verify that we are who we are. A Global Entry permit allows us an easy pass through airport security.

This week we also returned our absentee ballots for the Aug 2 primary.

Comments on recent news:

If we want to reduce gun violence we should make it legal to purchase drugs. Drug enforcement has failed just like the ban on alcohol.

Way to many folks are carrying guns. When we went for our Global Entry permit the women who completed the paper work were carrying guns. Really!

I am very uncomfortable with the tone of the election. Calling folks names is not only bad manners but counter productive. John Wooden said be nice to folks on your way up because you might meet them on your way down.

President Clinton and Donald Trump are the same age. How come I never hear about Trump's draft avoidance.

The Middle East is a mess. I don't know where Turkey is heading. Press freedom in Turkey is non existent, as it is in Russia and China.

BRexit did not lead to the collapse of the financial system.

I think President Obama lost all credibility when he drew the line in the sand and then did not act. Looks bad in the eyes of our allies.

I think Clinton will be a stronger foreign policy President than our current one.

On a happier note we had some heavy rain this week so every thing is nice and green.

Tomorrow I will be back 100% with my exercises.

The nice warm weather will continue.

I had my bad boy bike modified. After a month of trial and error I found that I only use 9 gears. The bike has 27. I removed two front chain rings and now have only one. Simple is good.

Speaking of my Bad Boy bike I got a call from my Nephew Jason Crandall telling me that my Bad Boy might be subject to recall because of a defective fork. I appreciate Jason's heads up. I will call Ada Bike tomorrow.

During my time out from writing this blog I still managed to get my 30 minutes outside every day.