Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday November 20, 2013

Today is an easy day. I slept to 0730 and then got on my hybrid and pedaled to Bill's. This morning I had their Super: potatoes, eggs, sausage and toast. I also spent 60 minutes reading the WSJ. Syria, JP Morgan, China, and the dysfunctional congress take up a lot of space. It was cold, 27, when I left but the sun was rising fast. I rode around Reeds Lake twice. My total miles was 16. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I spent most of the afternoon in my office. I was looking at a set of plans. I love my Apple Air but most of my engineering computations were done on a Windows based computer. I want to move files from the windows machine to the Apple. I will use my Apple free pass for a lesson on moving files. I think I have commented on my attention span or lack of, since I have quit working. I have reverted to my youth when I always I had trouble concentrating. Enough said! We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. Nancy headed to bed at 2100 and I should be upstairs by 2130. Keep getting your daily 30 minutes outside.

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