Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday November 2, 2013

Saturday November 2, 2013: It was dark and rainy when I headed to Bill’s. I wore my rain suit. I had an oatmeal breakfast. It was so dark and gloomy outside that I took my time reading the WSJ. I rode around Reeds Lake on my way home. My speedometer said I rode 11 miles. When I got home I brought up my cruiser bike. With all the leaves on the roads I want a bigger tire on the road. The cruiser is also good in snow. I mentioned yesterday that my childhood friend Jack Gillard had died. I found the funeral home where Jack rested and was able to post memories of Jack on their web site. Nancy had to pick up a prescription at Costco. We got in the Taurus and our first stop was Woodlawn Mall. Nancy stopped at Coldwater Creek to pick out some pants. After Woodlawn we headed to Costco. Costco was very crowded. Nancy picked up her prescription and we bought eggs. When we got home I took Ms P on her walk. I then took a 3.5 mile walk. I watched the second half of the UM/MSU game. Bad move! For dinner tonight we cleaned out the fridge. It was good. We spent some time facetiming with Debbie tonight. It was great talking with her. Facetime is great. Nancy wanted to set the clocks back before going to bed. I want to set them in the morning. I won!

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