Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday November 9, 2013

Saturday November 9, 2013: This was our sleep in morning. I did not get up until 0800. The sun was out so I had a nice ride to Bill’s. Bill’s was crowded with folks waiting to get a booth. I had their oatmeal breakfast. Guess what? When I was ready to get on my bike I had a flat. Third flat this week. Bummer! I walked home. As soon as I got home I got in the C2 and headed back to Bill’s. I loaded up the hybrid and took it to GR Bike in Gaslight Village. In addition to getting the tire fixed I decided to get a new 8 speed transmission and brakes. The bike will be ready next week. Nancy is working at the Holiday Gift show at the Gardens this afternoon. I decided to rake leaves. I filled six GR Yard waste bags. It took me about two hours. I then took Ms P on her daily walk. I watched the first half of the UM/Nebraska game. It is now 1730 and Nancy just got home. She was very tired so we ordered a pizza. As soon as I finish this blog I will pick it up. I started a new book last night and it might be very interesting. I will watch some football on TV before heading upstairs. I really like our new TV. The picture is very clear.

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