Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday November 8, 2013

Friday November 8, 2013: We have a busy Friday ahead of us. I get up at 0455 and get ready to pedal to the MAC. I grab my hybrid and much to my dismay I had a flat tire. The second one this week. I took off the headlight and put it on the cruiser bike and then head to the MAC. I entered the pool and 0600 and had the pool to myself until I was almost done. No time this morning for coffee and the WSJ. I head right home and change my clothes. Katie Conrad was Missy’s best friend in high school. Her mother passed away this week. At 1000 Nancy and I headed to the Funeral Home to pay our respects. We talked to Katie and her father. Katie’s brother is married to Julie Meridith. Julie’s father is a civil engineer who I met when he worked for the City of Grand Rapids. We talked to Julie and met her two young sons. When we got home I ran some errands. I stopped at Mr Thangh’s to pick up my pea coat. I bought Nancy a coffee at the Kava House. On my way to the Kent County Credit Union I stopped at the Freewheeler Bike store. I found a perfect bike for me. Luckily, the sales person was too nice. An agressive saleman could have sold me the bike. Is $2,500 too much for a bike? I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. I took Ms P on her walk and then fixed the bike’s flat tire. Ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I are attending an “Exclusive Preview of the Holiday Gift Show” at Meijer’s Garden. (that is what the invite said). I finally finished my book last night. Now I have to decide what to read next. I am leaning toward a good mystery. It must also be short. Stay tuned.

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