Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday November 10, 2013

We got up at our usual Sunday time of 0655. We head right to the MAC and were in the pool by 0745. On our drive we noted a noise similar to the noise we had fixed on Thursday. When we were leaving the MAC I noted a branch hung up on the rear axle. After I removed it the noise was gone. Meijer's was very crowded this morning. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.17. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and after the nap I took Ms P on her walk. I then walked to the post office to mail a letter. Today was a beautiful fall day. Everyone was out raking leaves. In East GR all residents have to do is rake their leaves into the gutter and the City will pick them up. The huge pile of leaves in the street narrows the road to a single lane. Nancy is fixing pulled pork for dinner tonight. We will watch the news and then 60 Minutes before heading upstairs. Last night I mentioned I would go to bed and read my new book. I fired up the Kindle and immediately fell asleep. I woke up at 0200 and found I was sleeping on my Kindle. Not a word was read. I hope to do better tonight.

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