Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday November 4, 2013

Monday November 4, 2013: I got up at my normal time, 0455, and got ready to pedal to the MAC. Much to my surprise I had a flat tire. I switched to my fat tired bike and had to swap some lights. I am continuing to practice the free style stroke I read about in a book called “Total Immersion”. I think it is an improvement over the old way I swam but it does require practice. I had my coffee at Starbucks in Gaslight Village. During the summer I complained that the place was to cold because of an overactive AC. Now that heat is required the place is still too cold. I am going back to the Kava House. I got home about 1030 and started taking our yard waste bags to the curb. The bags were not full so I got out the leaf rake and raked the front yard. I had some errands to run so I loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to Mr Thanh’s to get some work done on my pea cost that I bought at Costco. My second stop was at Robbins Lock shop to get key made for a Master padlock. I have about 10 of these locks but no key. I now can use the locks. After a quick lunch I took a 30‘ nap. I took Ms P on her mile walk. Nancy had a neighbor stop with their OHNA dues. I walked the money over to the treasurer’s house. I ran into a neighbor on a walk so I joined him for about a mile. Tonight we will have a light dinner. Not much on TV tonight except the news so it is early to bed.

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