Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday November 13, 2013

It was 25 when I left for Breakfast Club this morning. The weather folks say it will be sunny, cold and windy all day. Breakfast Club was not well attended this morning. Our speaker was a BC member who for years was the in charge of the Planiternium at the museum. He talked about the new comet that will be visible in a couple of weeks. They say the population is aging and this morning I found proof that this is true. Of the eight folks that sat at my table four are above 86. The good news is that they are sharp and in good health. Keep working young folks so us old folks can live in the style we presently have. After BC I stopped at D&W to get leaf bags. When I got home I got out my cruiser bike. I pedaled to the Kava House for coffee and to read the WSJ. I rode around Reeds Lake on my way home. The ride was 10 miles. This afternoon Nancy had to work at the Gardens. I got out the rake and started raking up the leaves in our front yard. Ms P joined me. We were outside two hours. I took a quick shower and then a 40 minutes nap. Nancy has book club this evening. I am meeting Ed Namey for pizza and beer. I got my 30‘ in today did you?

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