Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday November 11, 2013

Monday November 11, 2013: When I went out at 0500 the temperature was 45. Ms P has her annual physical today and I had to get a poop sample. Any neighbors who were awake probably were wondering what was he looking for with flash light at 0500. The weather folks said no rain until 1300 and then later in the day the rain will turn to snow. I did put rain pants in my backpack just in case. I got to the MAC at 0600 and to my surprise the pool was full. I had to share a lane. It was raining when I left so I put on my rain pants. I had coffee today at the Kava House. I got a free coffee because today is Veteran’s Day. I did not put on my water proof boots this morning so I sat with wet socks. After about 30 minutes sitting in wet socks I headed home. I took the socks off as soon as I got home and put them in the dryer. I spent the rest of the morning doing household chores. Nancy had a Hospital Gift Shop Board meeting this morning. She got home at 1230. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to take a nap. However, I spent nap time reading the WSJ. I was catching up on some reading when Nancy called me down stairs. She said that she just got a call from our friend Carol Mastin. Carol said that Ken Hershberger had just commited suicide. Ken had just married Becky Verker a little over a year ago. Becky Verker’s son was a good friend of our son Steve. She had lost her husband, Bob, over ten years ago. Ken and Becky met at their 50th Butler, Pa High School reunion. Ken had moved to GR and was very active. Nancy and I attended their first anniversity and we had them over to our house for dinner. earlier this year. Ken spent time in Vietnam with the USAF and it was not a pleasant experience. Veterans Day might have triggered Ken’s actions. Our heart goes out the Becky, Brad and Bethny. The weather folks were right. It is now 1650 and the temperature has dropped to 34 and it is snowing. A reminder just popped up on my screen saying that Ms P’s physical is in 50 minutes. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV before heading upstairs. No MAC tomorrow becuase I have jury duty. I got my 30 in today I hope you did too.

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