Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday November 18, 2013

It was real windy when I left for the MAC at 0530. Yesterdays rain and high winds had left many branches in the road. I had dodge them as I pedaled in the black morning. The temperature is suppose to drop all day. It is now 1700 and the temperature has dropped to 35 and it expected to drop to 28 before morning. I swam my metric mile, 1,500 meters, this morning. I was done with my workout by 0745. I had coffee at the Kava House. I read the WSJ and found nothing that excited or upset me. I do want to know how the bitcoin works. A bitcoin is now worth $750. I think the President has used the wrong approach to the problems with the ACA web site. Computer screwup happen all the time. Every one who has ever had a business has run into the project from Hell. The only way to get through these bad projects is to put your head down and bull your way through. Who remembers after the problem is solved? No one! He has made too many concessions and now the funding for the ACA is in jeopardy. No one ever asks me. I think most folk agree that everyone should be able to get health insurance at a reasonable price. Further most folks believe that in order to get the system to work every one, especially the healthy, should participate. Good drivers keep car insurance premiums down. When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch. Nancy and I then got in the Taurus and made a dry run to a house along the Thornapple River. Nancy will attend a wine and cheese party at this house on Thursday. I took a quick nap and then started writing this blog. It is now 1722 and I am going to take Ms P on a short walk. We will have a light dinner and then spend a quiet evening at home.

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