Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday November 28, 2013

My 75th Thanksgiving. It was snowing when Ms P and I went out at 0500. I shoveled the drive and walk. I went back to bed and got up at 0730. I wanted a coffee so I decided to go to Starbuck in Gaslight. First I had to shovel the drive and walk. Starbucks was crowded because many runners stopped at the store after the Turkey Trot run. Nancy did a great job fixing Thanksgiving dinner. I stuffed the turkey. I watched some of the Lions game. We ate at 1400. I opened a new bottle of wine for dinner. Nancy did herself proud. We talked to all the Grandkids on FaceTime today. Steve's family is spending Thanksgiving in Az. Missy and AJ are having dinner with friends in LA. When I was a boy nearly all my family lived within 20 miles. Thanksgiving we held at my Grandfather Scott's farm. We had about 50 family members at the dinner. It was my favorite holiday.

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