Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday November 22, 2013

Ok here goes: The most asked question today is "Where were you when you found out President Kennedy was shot". My answer is: I was a LTjg in the Navy and was assigned to the "Deputy Officer of Construction, Southeast Asia". I was eating breakfast at the Brinks Hotel in Saigon, Vietnam a six story building that the US Military had taken over. It was 0435 and I was eating creamed chip beef on toast, SOS. An Army Major by the name of Nowak sat down at my table and said he had heard that the President had been shot. It was hard to believe. I left immediately for Tan Son Nhut airport to catch an Army plane to Soc Trang in the Mekong Delta. The plane crew confirmed that indeed the President was shot. It was a day that I will never forget. It was 45 degrees when I left at 0530 for the MAC. The weather folks said it was going to rain so I wore my rain suit. I swam 1650 yards in 42'. I had my coffee this morning at Breton Village. When I left for home the temperature had dropped to the mid 30s. I even saw a snow flake or two. Nancy and I got home at the same time. Kim was still cleaning so we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Yesterday we got an email saying the MAC would close on Jan 5. The talk this morning at the MAC was where are you going? One of the options is MVP health club on the corner of East Paris and Burton. It is about 2.5 mile further than the MAC but still the closest club to our house. We stopped by and got a tour. The place was crowded but I liked their 25 meter pool. The cost is about the same as the MAC. We might give it a try. Costco was very crowded. We bought wine, peanut butter, almonds and dinner for tonight. We are staying home and will watch some TV. Both Nancy and I have good books so we will head to bed early. Snow is expected for tomorrow.

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