Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday November 25, 2013

Saturday November 23: It was 25 when I got on my bike and headed to Bill's. It was snowing when I left Bill's so I headed straight home. As soon as I got home I got my studded bike tires down from the garage rafters and headed to GR Bike to get them put on. Nancy picked me up and we headed to Breton Village to buy some Christmas Wreaths. It took several trips because we had to make some measurements to see what size wreath we needed. I picked up the bike later in the day. The steel studded bike tires are slightly larger so I have to expend a little extra effort. We stayed home Saturday night. Nancy fixed soup and sandwiches for dinner. Not much on TV but after Nancy had gone to bed I was surfing and found a Coen brothers movie called "The Big Lebowski. I really liked it. Sunday November 24: We got to the MAC at 0730 and were on our way to Meijer's by 0900. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took a quick nap because at 1530 I headed to the airport to pick up Debbie. She is spending Thanksgiving we us. Debbie's flight was early. She was surprised to see the snow on the ground. Nancy fixed sloppy joes for dinner. Every one was tired so we headed to bed early. Monday November 25: It was clear when I headed to the MAC at 0530. I had the pool to myself this morning. After the MAC I headed straight home because I am taking Debbie out for breakfast. We ate at the Omelette Shop in Breton Village. Debbie thought the food was good. My feet were very cold from my bike ride so I took a short nap to warm up. Nancy and Debbie had lunch at Arnie's. It started snowing about noon. We got about 1/4" and I had to get the snow shovels down from the garage rafters. Ms P came out while I was shoveling. She loves to play in the snow. Tonight we are going to Russ's for dinner.

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