Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday November 15, 2013

November 15 is the first day of deer hunting season. This day was a big deal when I was in high school. My Dad shut his office. Boys got an excused day from school. My Dad would go to his hunting camp, Doctor's Club, for the first week. He always took a case of booze. Now that we have bow hunting season and muzzle loading season November 15 is not as important as back in the 50s. Today is an important day in the life of Nancy and Bob. When I got out of the pool I found out that the Mac is closing in January. It was not a surprise but we have been members since the late 80s. We have several options but nothing as convent as the MAC. When I got done with my workout I was sitting in the lounge getting ready to head to the Kava House when Nancy walked in. Nancy announced that last night she had an epiphany. It is time to sell the house and move on. I was surprised but totally agree. Do we want to rent or buy a condo? Anyone who wants something from the house should let us know soon. Today Bob and Nancy are moving forward. At the Kava House several MAC members walked in and we discussed our options. The consensus was that joining a Y was the best option. I took Ms P on her walk as soon as I got home. After a quick lunch I headed outside and raked leaves for an hour. Nancy and I had some errands to run so we left the house at 1700. We made our first stop and then had dinner at Panera. After dinner we stopped at WalMart and then Meijer's. It is now 2100 and I am watching the "Killing Kennedy" movie on NG.

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