Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday January 31, 2012

Good grief it was 40⁰ at 0700 this morning. I want winter not this up and down. After my morning at-home routine I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. The roads were ok but the sidewalks required some heavy pedaling. It took me about 2 minutes longer today because of the snow on the sidewalks. Today is my tri day and I rowed for 15', ran 1.5 miles in 15'30" and swam 800 yards in 26'.

I had many layers on and on my ride to the Kava House I worked up a sweat. Who works up a sweat riding a bike on Jan 31. It was really tough riding through the snow on the sidewalks in EGR. Today is free refill day at the KH. I buy a smaller (cheaper) cup and have it refilled several times. The WSJ is still worried about the problems in Europe. They are also promoting the KL pipeline and the benefits of this line to the US economy. The DFP had an article on how the City of Detroit is trying to solve its money problems. The mayor and council each have their own idea on what is needed. No one in Detroit wants the Gov to appoint a financial manager. I really think they are serious about solving their problem. The unions are being very difficult about making adjustments.

On my ride home I noted that the streets were all free of snow. We had running water everywhere. The big melt might create some flooding problems. I worked (actually fiddled around) in the office this afternoon. I even took a short nap.

Tonight I will finish the beans and rice. We will watch the news and read the GRP. I will watch NCIS before retiring.

Monday January 30, 2012

I did not set an alarm last night but was still able to get up at 0630. The weather folks talked about maybe snow this morning so I took the car to the MAC. I was surprised at how rapidly my knee had healed because I was able to run without any pain. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the post office and the Kava House. Is Syria going to finally get rid of their dictator?

The roads were still snow covered so I don't know if I will attempt riding the bike tomorrow. On my walk home from the Kava House I asked the folks at the new micro brewery when they are going to open. They said Wednesday at noon. I might walk down Wednesday afternoon and sample their beer.

I got chilled on my walk today so I turned on the electric blanket and took a short nap. I spent most of the afternoon catching up on my reading. I read about 6 back issues of Canoe and Kayak and now I have "Spring Fever".

We are eating light tonight. I will read the GRP and then watched some news on TV. Not much on TV so I will head upstairs and continue reading my book on Magellan's trip around the world in 1511.

Today we have 9h52' of daylight. That is 52' more than at the equinox. The daily mean temperature in most of January is 24⁰. It is a flat line. Tomorrow the daily mean increases to 25⁰. Every little bit helps. I got my 30' in did you?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday January 29, 2012

I looked out the window at 0600 and it looked dry and clear. When we headed to the MAC at 0730 it was snowing hard. Today I swam 1,500 yards. It was snowing so hard that we decided not to go to Meijer's today. We did sit in the lounge at the MAC and watched the last two games of the finals at the Aussie Open. It was exciting.

When we got home I started shoveling and Nancy fixed breakfast. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After a great breakfast we both went outside and finished shoveling. We got about 6" of snow. I did take my Sunday nap. After the nap I headed outside and again shoveled the walk. The EGR plows had not yet been down our street. After the drive was clear I took the Taurus to the BP station and filled it up. Gas was $2.55 per gallon.

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner tonight. We will finish the GRP and watch 60 minutes and whatever is on between 2000 and 2100. It will be any early night.

The postmark on the letter was January 29, 1963: On January 28, Monday, I wrote my mother a letter from the Naval Base at Coronado, Ca. I had just finished a survival training class on Sunday. Monday I got a Typhus, Cholera and Plaque shot and was packing to head to Treasure Island Navy Base in San Francisco. I was suppose to ship out to Saigon on Friday, February 1. In the letter I described my past week at Survival Training. The following is what I wrote, including English errors.

"Last week from Sunday to Sunday we had survival training. The only thing I can say is thank God it is over. Monday they took us out in the bay dumped us overboard and we had to wait for a helicopter to pick us up. Monday afternoon we went to a pool and they gave us a series of swimming tests. Tuesday we went to the beach. They left us there to find food. All we got was some crabs. Tuesday night we slept on the beach. All they gave us was a parachute to make a tent and sleeping bag.

There were 53 people in my class. A parachute makes a pretty good sleeping bag. The only clothes we had were on our back. Fortunately everyone had long underwear. All this week the only thing we had to eat was 2 crabs and some bark tea, cactus roots and 1 man meal (K rations) divided between two people. A few people got sick. Surprisingly the officers could take more that the enlisted men.

On Wednesday they sent us to the mountains, Warner Springs to be exact. If you want to look on the map.
It was hot during the day but got down to the 20's in the evening. The rest of the week we spent in the mountains, Thursday we had lectures on POW camps, escape and evasion. Thursday night they turned us loose on a night escape and evasion excise. We had to evade an enemy dressed in communist uniforms. It was cold.
On Friday they gave each section (6 people) a map and compass and said find your way to a point eight miles from our area. All this was over mountain and we hadn't really eaten since Tuesday morning. I will never take up mountain climbing. We were issued a parachute tent and sleeping bag which we wore on our back. The enemy was located in this area and we had to evade all the way. That means travel in the thickest brush.
Saturday morning at 0500 we walked two miles to a day evasion course. This time the enemy was everywhere. We were all captured and thrown in a POW camp. They took all our clothes off, and doused use with cold water. We were to sleep in a bunker that was only a hole in the sand. The guards were allowed to slap us around. They didn't pull many punches. After this the guards were continually harassing us. Each man was privately put in a little black box. This box was about 3' x 2.5' and you crossed your legs put your rump on your feet and your head between your legs. The box was shut tight. After 30 minutes your legs go numb. When let out you can't walk, you are then sent to an interrogator who tries to get germ warfare confession signed. You are allowed only to give name, rank, serial number, date of birth. The interrogator are really tricky. If you don't answer questions they throw you around and work you over. My interview lasted about 45 minutes and I really was worked over. About four in the morning we all had a bowl of rice. Around six they called us together and informed us the problem was over. This 22 hours in a POW camp was extremely realistic.
Now don't go writing a letter to your Senator because I thought the whole week was very beneficial. If I had more time I could explain it to you. This training is given to all aviators and people going to Viet Nam."

I sent Mother a picture taken of me on Sunday after the course was over. The week before the survival training I had a "Disney Land with Guns" (self defense) class. We were taught how to use various firearms and I had to qualify on a 45 revolver. I think I had to put several rounds in a 25 yard target. Marines ran the class.

Saturday January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Missy!! I remember the day of Missy's birth like it was yesterday. We were living in Ann Arbor and Nancy was several weeks overdue. We tried several things to move things along including riding on some rough roads to shake her loose. It was early on a cold winters morning (Sunday). Nancy said Bob we got to get to the hospital fast. So we grabbed her bag which had been ready for weeks and headed to St Joseph Hospital. We were half way to the hospital when the wipers quit working. I had to stop the car and clean the window. Nancy kept telling me to hurry. We got to the hospital and Nancy was whisked away. I parked the car and headed to the maternity ward. I just got a magazine when the nurse came in and said it was a girl. The next day I passed out cigars in one of my classes. We all sat around smoking cigars while listening to the lecture. The Instructor also smoked a cigar. I also have vivid memories of Debbie, Sequoia Hospital, and Steve at Blodgett. Some things a man doesn't forget.

The alarm went off at 0630. Nancy got up but I stayed in bed until 0800. We had some snow so I cleaned the walks and then started out for breakfast. I had planned on eating at the Amway and then go to the Auto Show. However, it was snowing so hard that by the time I got to the Kava House I was covered with snow. I stopped at the Kava House and had coffee and a scone. Just as I was finishing the papers Nancy came in so I bought her a coffee and scone. I also had another scone.
The sun was out as I walked home. I finished shoveling and then headed upstairs to the office. I played with my family tree software and tried to find some data on the Scott's in Ontario. Not much luck. At 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed to the movie theater. We saw "The Descendent" with George Clooney. It was ok.

After the movie we came home and Nancy fixed soup and a sandwich. We had several bottles of wine left over from the TGIF so we finished several. We watched some TV. Nancy was very tired so she went to bed at 2100. I stayed up and watched another George Clooney movie, O' Brother Where Art Thou. I love the music in this movie. I headed to bed at 2300.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday January 27, 2012

Today is a busy day for Bob and Nancy. We get up at 0620 and start our day. I pedaled to the MAC. After a quick MAC workout I pedal to the Kava House. I read the papers and had my coffee. The WSJ has had several articles on Right-to-Work laws and how Indiana is about to adopt one. I really am glad that our Governor is not pushing this legislation because I don't think it is that important to the health of a state's economy. Speaking of our great state it is good to hear that the legislature might pass a new gas tax. It is important to stop the rapid deterioration of our transportation infrastructure.
Speaking of infrastructure the collapse of a 20 story building in Brazil is scary. It looks like a design problem. I always read any article about the situation in Syria. Syria is an example of folks holding on to power too long. I am glad our president can only serve 8 years.
When I got home I started getting things ready for our neighborhood party tonight. We have no idea how many people will show up. The last time we had it we had 50. Kim our cleaning lady came today so the house looks good. Nancy has taken care of all the fine details. She says we are ready.
At 1700 I headed to D&W and got a 6 pack and a 20# package of ice. The first quests arrived early at 1800. We had about 30 folks attend the TGIF. They all brought food so to be polite I sampled all the offerings. The party was suppose to end at 2130 but the last folks did not leave until 2200. I hope a good time was had by all. We were surprised that no one spilled wine or food on the carpet. We had the house cleaned up in less than 30 minutes. Another jewel in Nancy's crown.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday January 26, 2012

I got a good night's sleep so I did not change the workout intensity. While I am rowing I watch the "Today Show". Today they had a segment on health problems left handed folks have. Both the anchors for the Today Show are left handed. I guess we are prone to all kinds of mental health problems. I thought we were just smarter than the right handed folks.
It was 33⁰ when I got on my bike and pedaled to the MAC. The sidewalks and roads were clear and the ride was enjoyable. Today I swam 800 yards in addition to sprinting and walking for 1.5 miles. Today I had my coffee and papers at Breton Village Mall. I am always surprised at the number of Grandparents that bring the grandkids just to walk around the mall.
Did you know that today is Michigan's 175th birthday? I did not know this. Also did you know that 2012 is the 200th birth year of the War of 1812? The only thing I can remember is that a major naval battle was fought on Lake Erie. I also know that Dolly Madison saved the White House's china when the British burned the White House. And of course Andrew Jackson won the Battle of New Orleans and Scott Francis Keyes wrote the Star Spangled Banner while the British were shelling Fort McHenry. I think I will get a book on this war.
After lunch I came upstairs to my office to catch up on some reading. Tonight Nancy and I will go to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I really want some fried fish with chips.
Friday: I did get the fish and chips. I also downloaded to my Kindle a book on the War of 1812. We stayed up and watched a Person of Interest. We headed upstairs at 2200.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday January 25, 2012

Wednesday morning and I get up at 0600 in order to get to 0700 Breakfast Club. This morning's meeting was well attended. The speaker spoke about a women's home for women with additive and alcohol problems. I was surprised at the number of questions asked. I think the average age of BC members is 80 but most seem involved in the community. About half the members that sit at my table volunteer time at God's Kitchen or similar organizations. Of the eight folks at the table only one goes to warmer climes during the winter and that is only for a month.
After BC I head to Meijer's to get my prescription. I looked at Meijer's for Brasso but they did not have any. I ended up at Rylee's and they had the Brasso. When I got home I grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. The papers had a lot of articles about the President's speech last night. I thought is was pure politics.
Nancy has to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I take a quick nap and then got out the can of Brasso and started polishing the brass table. I spent about an hour polishing the table. Nancy left the Gardens early this afternoon and she helped me finish polishing. The table looks great. I would not want to work as a brass polisher. I took a 2.25 mile walk to end the afternoon.
We had a light dinner and then watched the news and read the GRP. The weather was gloomy today with temperatures above freezing. I wish the weather would go into a deep freeze. I hate the up and down temperatures. I am feeling a cold coming on so I am heading to bed even if it is only 2046.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday January 24, 2012

Today is my 1,185th blog. I slept in until 0630 this morning. After getting Nancy her coffee I went outside and salted the driveway. We had a thin coat of ice over the drive. Because of the weather I drove to the MAC. Today is my tri day. For my run instead of running 1.5 miles I decided to try something new. I ran 1/2 of a lap (1/12 of a mile) full blast and then walked the other half. If I had been able to keep up the same pace for the full 1.5 miles I would have averaged 7'12" per mile. When I run the full 1.5 miles my pace is 10'30" per mile. I also went swimming this morning. I swam 800 yards.
After the MAC I headed for the Kava House. The DFP had an article on the Highland Park school system and how it is nearly bankrupt. Their student population has decreased about 50% in the last decade. They have not adjusted their costs to reflect the changes. Mitt Romney is right. Sometimes it is necessary to fire people. Highland Park is a perfect example.
After a quick lunch I had to run several errands. First I headed to Meijer's to get a prescription filled. At GR Lighting I purchase a new bulb for our backroom ceiling fixture. I stopped at the Ford Dealer to ask why we have a warning light saying that our oil has 5% remaining life. The mechanic said that they forgot to reset the warning light when I got the oil changed several weeks ago. Finally I got the Taurus washed.
After all this running around I thought I needed a nap so I laid down for 30 minutes. It is now 1715 and I am going on a 30 minutes walk. I indeed went on a walk. I was surprised at how icy the sidewalks were. I walked in the street.
Tonight we will watch NCIS and then probably the President. I think tonight's speech will kick off the start of the silly season. Stand by for some nasty TV adds.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday January 23, 2011

We have been having some weird weather lately. About 0300 this morning we had a thunder storm pass through. We got quite a bit of rain from this event. We did not set any alarms because Nancy was so tired. I got up at 0630. I got Nancy her coffee and then she got up and headed to the MAC. When I got ready to go to the MAC I decided to take the C2 because it was so dark and gloomy. It was a good decision because when I left the MAC it was pouring rain. My oil change sticker said I should get to the Chevy dealer. While waiting for the work to get done I walked around the showroom. Did you know that you can buy a 550 horsepower Camaro for only $55,000? Who needs 550 horsepower. A Corvette would be cheaper.
After the oil change I headed to the Kava House. I put my $0.25 in the meter and started reading the papers. I did not finish because I only had an hour on the meter. I cannot read any faster.
Today is a dark gloomy day. If it quits raining I might go for a walk. If it is still raining at 1630 I will not walk. Missing my 30 minutes outside for one day will not kill me, will it?
I did go for a walk at 1630. I walked over to the PO to mail some letters. It started to drizzle on my way home and the temperature started to drop. The weather man said we should expect icy roads tomorrow. Nancy and I are now drinking a glass of wine. Not much on TV tonight so I will continue reading my book on the voyage of Magellan.

Sunday January 22, 2012

Sunday morning and for the first time in a long time Nancy is not joining me in a swim. She is still in Chicago on a buying trip. Today for the first time I wore my lap counter/stopwatch. The watch is very small and fits on my finger. It does not impede my stroke. Today I swam 1500 yards. After the swim I headed to the Omelet Shop for a bowl of oatmeal.
I have not driven my C2 on the freeway since October. I got on I 196 and drove to Holland. I put 50 miles on the car. I also filled the C2 up and gas was $3.57.
I took my Sunday afternoon nap but I was up in time to watch the NE/Balt football game. I really did not have a favorite in this game. It was an exciting game. After the game I walked over to Gas Light Village to buy another sub for dinner. I ate the sub in the backroom and watched the SF/NY game. I wanted SF to win. During halftime Nancy called and said she was just getting into GR and would I pick her up at Jackie's house. I got in the Taurus and got to Jackie's just as Nancy was pulling into the driveway. We loaded up her bag and headed home. Nancy said her buying trip was successful.
Nancy was very tired so she headed to bed at 2100. I stayed up and watched the end of the game. It was a barn burner folks.

Saturday January 21, 2012

Usually on Saturday morning I set the alarm for 0630 because Nancy has an early morning class at the MAC. Today Nancy is in Chicago so I slept in until 0700. Last night when I got home from dinner I spent about an hour shoveling snow. This morning we got just a light dusting since I shoveled last and I had the walks cleared in 20 minutes. I walked over the Wolfgang's for breakfast. I got there early enough so I did not have to wait. When I left they had a long line of folks waiting for a table.
When I got home I started my laundry. I spent some time on my computer today checking old excel files. It is a beautiful winter's day. We have bright sunshine with temperatures in the mid 20s. I went on a 3 mile walk. Reeds Lake was crowded with ice fishermen. I don't know if I would venture out on the ice. We have had only about 3 days of below freezing temperature.
For dinner I drove over to the Subway in Gas Light Village. I ate dinner in the back room watching TV. It was a quiet winter's day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday January 20, 2012

Our schedules are changed today so I slept in until 0715. I did most of my exercises at home today. Nancy has a 0845 Doctor's appointment. After a quick shower I got in the C2 and headed to the Kava House to get a cup of coffee. I brought the coffee home and sat in the living and read my papers. Nancy got home at 0930. At 1000 we got in the Taurus and I dropped Nancy off at Jackie Hartman's house. Nancy and Jackie are going on a buying trip for the Hospital Gift Shop. They will drive to Kalamazoo to catch the train to Chicago. They will be home late Sunday.
After dropping Nancy off I stopped by the MAC to do some more exercises and run 1.5 miles on the track. I got home about 1230. It is very cold today. The temperature was in single digits at 0800. Tonight I will walk over to Olga's for a sandwich.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday January 20, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0616 and I get up because since 0400 we have had 5" of snow. Our first chore is to get the drive and walk shoveled. Luckily the snow is light and fluffy so we are done in less than 30 minutes. Of course we were the first walk in the block to be cleared.
I drove the C2 to the MAC today. It being Thursday I did my tri. Today I wore my super-duper lap counter/stopwatch. I wear the counter on my finger and use my thumb to register a lap. It works great. It was about 19⁰ when I drove home. When I got home I grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. I had to speed read the papers because I was behind schedule. On my walk home I noted that the new brewery on Lake Drive was close to opening.
After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran some errands. Our first stop was GR Lighting to buy a special bulb for my bathroom fan/light. Next we stopped at Costco. We bought vitamins, eye drops, rolls and beer. I bought some Guinness Beer. Costco sells the beer in 15oz cans and a package has 18 cans. We got home about 1500. I changed the light bulbs and the fixture has two bulb but I could only get one to work. I called my crack electrician, Phil, and he will stop by in the near future to check things out. The fixture has given us some problems in the past. We got a free replacement several years ago.
Nancy and I went to GL Shipping for dinner. I had the prime rib sandwich and Nancy had the "Cargo Special". Both our meals were great. We got home in time for the news except I fell asleep. I did watch a "Person of Interest". We headed upstairs at 2200.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday January 18, 2012

Wednesday and today is my easy day. I did have to shovel this morning but it was only a light dusting. I walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. I was surprised at how busy the place was for a week day. Today's WSJ had an article about Flint and how the city actually wanted a financial manager. Flint has major problems among them the loss of factory jobs. GM at one time employed 80,000 folks and now only 8,000. The population has decreased by at least 40%. I mention the financial manager because yesterday a group of folks had a rally against Michigan's financial manager law. The Rev Al Sharpton was a leader of the rally. I think our Governor agrees that using a FM should be a last resort. Is bankruptcy a better solution? The City of Detroit is trying to avoid a FM but they must make some drastic cuts.
In 1965 when Nancy and I were dating, Nancy lived in Flint. It was a boom town and they expected to pass GR as the State's second largest city in 1970. It never happed and today Flint is a ghost town. Good ole conservative GR is still a viable city.
When I got home I headed to the office and actually reviewed some old beam designs to see if I still understood the design procedure. I am happy to announce that I still have it. Speaking of design engineering I got a call today from an old neighbor, Tom Pritz. Tom needed some advice because he is selling his home and he has to do some basement repairs before the sale is final. I gave Tom the name of an architect who could help him. Tom now lives is Fl near his daughter. Tom is in his mid 80s but he sounded strong.
At 1600 I decided I needed a walk so I walked over the Gas Light Village. I got $50 of dollar coins at the bank and a beer at D&W. The wind was very brisk and I wished I had a scarf to put over my nose.
Last night I watched the UM/MSU BB game. It was exciting. UM has now won three games in a row over MSU. Did you know that in my years on UM campus I only saw 1 BB game. Engineers had to study.
Not much on TV tonight so I think I will rearrange my office. Change is good. I got my 30 in today did you?

Tuesday January 17, 2012

I have been very busy lately and I am now catching up on my blog. Let us start with Saturday January 14. Nancy and I got up at 0630 and we headed outside to shovel snow. The snow was very heavy and I could not use my super-wide shovel. After the walk was cleared I walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had pancake and eggs. When I got home I had to shovel the walk again.
I spent most of the afternoon reviewing bridge plans. At 1500 I went outside and shoveled the walk and salted the driveway. At 1600 I showered and shaved. Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner with the Ed and Mary Namey. We had dinner at the old Gibson's. I had the white fish and it was very good. After dinner we came back to our house for ice cream, cookies and conversation. (the three Cs)
Sunday January 15, 2012 today is Debbie's birthday. Debbie is in Asia somewhere and we were not able to contact her. Happy Birthday Deb where ever you are. Nancy and I got in the MAC's pool at 0800. We still have our colds so we did not swim our normal routine. I swam 1,200 yards instead of 1,500. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. I purchased gas and it was $3.66 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. The scrambled eggs were especially good. I took my normal Sunday nap. After the nap I took a 2.25 mile walk. I did watch some football this afternoon. I also continued reviewing bridge plans.
Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner tonight. After dinner we watched 60 minutes and headed to bed about 2130.
Monday January 16, 2012 and we had no snow to shovel. I rode my bike to the MAC. The studded snow tires really help when I have to pedal through ice and snow. I stopped at Breton Village to have my coffee and read the papers. After lunch I finished checking the bridge plans. Following our normal Monday routine we had cereal for dinner. I broke out a bottle of wine (red 2 buck Chuck) and had 2 glasses. We watched some TV and I read an article in Vanity Fair on John Corzine and how he destroyed MF Global. We were upstairs by 2130.

Tuesday January 17 and it was raining this morning. Instead of riding my bike I rode with Nancy to the MAC. Tuesday is my tri day so I rowed, ran and swam. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village for my coffee and papers. It was raining/snowing when I left Breton Village. I got wet so I changed clothes when I got home. I shoveled the walk and drive. We had about 1/2" of slush on the concrete. I wanted to move it before it froze. Tonight we are going to a Caribbean restaurant in Eastown. Nancy bought a coupon on Groupon and it expires tomorrow. After dinner I will come home and watch NCIS and the UM/MSU game. Nancy has a 1930 GRNA Board meeting.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th and we finally got some snow. Nancy and I had to shovel and the snow was wet and heavy. We got about 5". After shoveling Nancy headed to the MAC and I stayed home and did all my exercises at home. After a quick breakfast I walked to the Kava House for my morning coffee. The DFP had several articles about the jailing of the owner of the Ambassador Bridge. He has failed to live up to his contract with MDOT. I think the judge should have done it earlier. I am getting tired of reading about the crisis in Europe and Bain Capital.

I walked home and on my way I stopped at a new running store in the old Blockbusters. They have a good selection of running shoes. I hope they make it. I also stopped at a micro brewery that is under construction on Lake Drive across from the BP station. They guaranteed me that they will be open by the end of January.

When I got home I again shoveled the drive and walk. After lunch I headed upstairs and continued reviewing bridge plans. About 1700 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Russ's for dinner. Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich. We got home in time to watch the national news. I read an article in Vanity Fair on John Corzine and how he destroyed MF Global. Once again I am always amazed at how dumb smart people are. I headed to bed at 2200.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday January 12, 2012

I slept in this morning. I did my at home routine and showered and got ready for my 0930 Doctor Sprik appointment. Dr Sprik is my nose and ear doctor. I arrived at the Doctor's office and was surprised to see the waiting room was empty. And I had to wait 5 weeks for an appointment! Anyway the Doctor gave me a prescription for my swimmer's ear. He also checked my nose. I mentioned that in May I had gone to Emergency because of being dizzy. The Emergency room Doctor said I had a sinus infection and he gave me some medicine that cleared up the problem in days. Doctor Sprik said "let's look at the cat scan". I was amazed that he was able to pull up my scan in seconds and review the scan. He said it was a bad sinus infection and the Emergency room Doctor made a correct diagnosis. I was very impressed with the technology.

After the Doctor I headed to the MAC for my Thursday swim. I then headed to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. I spent the afternoon checking plans. At 1715 Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Nancy had French onion soup and I had the French dip sandwich. We got home in time for the 1830 news. At 1900 I fell asleep in my recliner. I slept for any hour. We watched "A Person of Interest". At 2200 we headed to bed. We have had a winter storm warning since 1600. At 2200 it started to snow. Tomorrow we will have to shovel.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday January 11, 2012

Today is Breakfast Club so I get up when the alarm goes off at 0556. We had a small turnout and I think a lot of members are in warmer climates. Today was like a spring day. It was sunny with temperatures in the low 50s. After Breakfast Club I head for Starbucks to read my newspaper and try Starbuck's new milder coffee called blonde. I did not taste any difference from their original brew. I did stop at Rylee's to get Nancy a windshield ice scraper.

When I got home I headed upstairs and started reviewing a set of bridge plans. At 1330 I headed downtown to attend a GRBA meeting. We are wrapping up two projects and we do not have any new projects in the mill. I might be out of a job. I was kind of sluggish so I took a 2 mile walk. I continued reviewing plans until 1730 when I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's to meet Tom Moleski for pizza. We had a pleasant meal and I was home by 2000. Nancy got home from book club about 2030 and she went right to bed.

It is now 2135 and as soon as I finish this paragraph I am heading to bed. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday January 10, 2012

The alarm goes off at 0606 and I get right up. I am feeling much better this morning. I do the home routine at 50% and then pedal to the MAC. It is another sunny, warm day in January. I swam only 500 yards this morning. I ended up the morning at the Kava House. I was just getting settled when who walks in the Kava House, Dave Huyser. Dave was a teacher at Ottawa Elementary for many years and had all three kids. Dave just retired this year and now he is fixing up houses. Dave is also a neighbor to a young civil engineer who use to work for me, Greg Lamberg. Dave told me that Greg took a 12 month assignment in Afghanistan. Oh the things you learn at the coffee shop.

The WSJ had a very interesting article on non-taxable corporations. It appears that 69% of corporations are structured so they pay no federal taxes on profits. Of course the profits are taxed when investors receive a dividend or bonus. One of the world's largest construction companies, Bechtel, is an example. Our tax code needs a major overhaul. One idea I like is a corporate tax of 2% on a company's gross receipts.

I had a quick lunch and then took a quick nap. Nancy is also feeling much better today. Right now, 1602, I am waiting for an email from the City of GR with the agenda for tomorrows GRBA meeting.

Nancy is fixing pork chops for dinner tonight. We will watch the new, NCIS and read the GRP before heading to bed. We hope a good night's sleep will eliminate any remnants of our colds.

Today is the New Hampshire primary. Did you know that a member of the Sanborn family gave the town of Hampton, NH its name. It was around 1645.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday January 9, 2012

The January thaw continues. It was 31 at 0700 but the forecast was for 40 and sunny most of the day. Nancy and I still have our colds. I slept in this morning until 0730. I did not do any exercises at home. I pedaled the AT to the MAC. At the MAC I did a few exercises but no running or rowing. I spent some time in the hot tub thinking that the heat is good for my cold. I have been following the adage "Feed a cold, starve a fever" and when I stepped on the scale it showed. After the MAC I pedaled over to Breton Village. I bought a cup of coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. The WSJ had a big article on how Romney did when he ran Bain Capital. Like most business men he had some failures and several projects were spectacular successes. What is the plural for success? I am a Huntsman supporter.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then took a nap. The body must be well rested to fight a cold. I did go on a 1.5 mile walk. It was a beautiful day for a walk. We got a call this afternoon from Veronica. She wants Steve and Lucas join me in Ann Arbor for a UM football game. We tentatively set a November 10 date. UM plays Northwestern on this date.

This evening we will have a light dinner and then read the GRP and watch the news. It will be an early evening. Despite my cold I did get my 30 in today, did you?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday January 8, 2012

I got up this morning with the alarm, 0659. My cold got worse overnight so on the advice of Nancy I did not go swimming. I did go to the MAC and paid our bill and put next week's clothes in my locker. I then headed to the Kava House to get Nancy and Bob there morning coffee and scone. It is going to be another bright sunny day with temperatures in the 40s. I did my laundry this morning.
After coffee and the morning paper I headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I finished my book, Jack Reacher #1, and slept for a hour. I am now reading a book about Magellan's trip around the world. It took three years. Now it can be done in days.
Nancy said she is feeling better. She is now in bed resting. I spent most of the afternoon finishing my annual cleaning of my office. I can now start the new year with a clean office.
Tonight I am going to fix a TV dinner and watch 60 minutes. I hope to be in bed by 2030. I want to get rid of this cold.
Midway Island: January 6, 1962. 50 years ago today I wrote a letter to my Dad. This is unusual because I never write my Dad. I told Dad what I was doing and if he had any information about running a transportation department. I also asked him to get me Mother's dimensions so I can get a suit made in Hong Kong. The US Navy has an arrangement with the British Navy to use local Hong Kong tailors to get clothes made. In 1962 Hong Kong was a British colony. I cannot recall if I ever got Mother a suit.

Saturday January 7, 2012

I did not set the alarm so I did not get up until 0700. Nancy has a bad cold so she stayed in bed and did not go to the MAC. I had to mail a package today so I thought I would stop at the post office on my way to Bill's. I got to the post office at 0815 and found out it did not open until 0900. So instead of going to Bill's I headed to the Brandywine. The Brandywine was empty when I arrived but when I left at 0915 all the tables were full. I headed to the PO and mailed my package. I then headed down Wealthy Street to Reeds Lake. I pedaled around Reeds Lake twice. I put 14 miles on the AT. The snow tires are great but they make the bike harder to pedal. I really worked up at sweat and took a shower as soon as I got home. Our great weather continues. It was bright and sunny on my bike ride. The path around Reeds Lake was full of walkers and joggers. I also saw a lot of bikers.

I spent some time printing a set of plans. I used my old printer that is capable of printing 11"x17" sheets. While printing I caught up on my reading. I get too many magazines. The Ottawa Hills Library called and said they had Nancy's book. I walked over to the library and picked up the book. I am starting to give my office its annual cleaning. I brought up a small ladder and have started dusting the high spots. I stopped my cleaning and took a nap. I must get plenty of rest because I do not want Nancy's cold.

Tonight I will fix myself a chicken sandwich. We bought a Costco chicken last night and I still have a lot left. I plan on watching the Lions game tonight. I went to bed after the first half. I am coming down with Nancy's cold.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday January 6, 2012

It was 42⁰ when I got up at 0616. We are having a warm spell (January thaw?). I did most of my exercises at home and when I left for the MAC was sun was just coming up. Most of the snow and ice is gone so the bike ride was very easy. I got done early and was at the Kava House at 1100. The City of Detroit continues to try and solve their money problems. If they cannot come to grips with this problem the State of MI will have to appoint a financial manager.

Nancy was still under the weather this morning so she did not go to the MAC. She has a bad cold. Nancy did go to a luncheon this afternoon. Nancy told me that Lucas and Alessandra skyped her this morning. They are in Douglas Arizona visiting their grandmother.

After a quick lunch I headed to Comcast to get a new remote. I got it programmed correctly but the volume is still not right. After the luncheon Nancy headed to Costco. She is getting a chicken for dinner tonight. We are spending a quiet evening at home.

Thursday January 5, 2012

Today the alarm did go off and I got up right at 0616. I am changing my schedule for the rest of the winter. I now do most of my routine at home including the rowing. I want to ride my bike through the winter but I don't want to ride when it is pitch black. The only downside to doing most of the workout at home is that I have to take a quick shower. Today I left about 0745 and it was just starting to get light. It was light enough so I could see the icy patches. The studded snow tires on the bike work great. I drove over icy patches with no problem. At the MAC today I did my run and also swam.

When I left the MAC the sun was out and the temperature had climbed to the high 30s. I read the WSJ and DFP. I did not get home until 1300. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to do some work. My first project was to try and get closed captioning on our TV. I checked online and followed the procedure to the letter. I have concluded that our Maxent TV does not have closed captioning. I went to Comcast several weeks ago and got a new remote. The new remote does not allow for volume control. I played for about 30' trying to get the volume control on the remote. No luck I have concluded that the remote is defective. Tomorrow I will get a new one.

Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner tonight. We watched some TV and read the GRP. Did you know that starting in February we will get the GRP only on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday? Nancy was feeling under the weather so she headed upstairs at 2100. How did the saying "under the weather" start?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012

We're back! Yes folks Bob and Nancy spent the week between Christmas and New Years on the Island of Aruba. Aruba is located at North Latitude 12⁰30' and is about 20 miles off the coast of Venezuela. They have 12 hours of daylight almost year round. The temperature was in the low 80s. We did have several showers but they only lasted about 10 minutes at the most. Every day I swam 1 hour in the warm Caribbean, 80⁰. I also walked on the beach each day for also a hour. I had to be careful of the hot sun. I wore a swim cap and a long sleeve shirt while swimming. I also used a lot of sun screen. Dr Mary would be proud. The island is 18 miles long and 6 miles wide. We stayed in Nancy sister's, Peg, time share. Food was very expensive so we purchased our breakfast and lunch at the local supermarket. We ate in restaurants every evening. We found three very good restaurants that had great food, especially the fish.

The island has a good bus line so we were able to easily get around. I was surprised at the number of large families that were spending Christmas or New Years on the island. I think Grandpa was paying. There were also a lot of South Americans enjoying the sun and beach.

Nancy got a great tan. On New Year's Eve all the large resorts had fireworks. Nancy and I welcomed the New Year watching fireworks on the beach. We traveled on Christmas and New Year's day. On our trip back we were upgraded to first class. (the only way to travel).

The only hitch we had was an hour delay on our trip from Chicago to GR. We got home at 0200 Monday. We had about 3 inches of snow on the ground. We slept in on Monday and then before heading to Meijer's I shoveled the drive and walks. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take a nap and went on a short walk. We watched the MSU game. It was a great game. I like the West Mi connection, Cousins to Nichols.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012: I thought I had set the alarm for 0600 but it did not go off so I slept in to 0700. I drove with Nancy to the MAC. After a short workout I walked to Breton Village Mall. I bought a coffee and sat in the Mall and read the papers. The WSJ had a lot of predictions on what the economy will be doing in 2012. I did not waste my time reading the predictions because they are always wrong. After the papers I walked home. In the afternoon I got the bike out and pedaled to Gaslight Village to change a year's collection of coins to paper money, $153. The studded tires I have on the AT seem to work real good in the snow. We had a light dinner and then watched NCIS and the UM game. I was very tired so I only watched the first half. I guess I missed a lot of action.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012: Today is my easy day so about 0700 I got out the AT and pedaled to Bill's for their breakfast special. After I got home I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped at the bike shop on Fulton and got my bike's odometer zeroed out. I want to see if I can get 3,000 miles on the AT in 12. My turn signal was not working so I stopped at the Chevy garage and got it fixed. I then stopped at Meijer's and bought some supplies. Finally I bought a high visibility jacket for my bike rides. One cannot be too careful, especially on dark winter mornings. Tonight after a light dinner we will watch some TV and read the GRP. It feels good to be back to normal. I got my 30 in today did you?

I just checked my letters home from Midway Island. On Christmas Eve, 1961 I wrote home. I wrote my Aunt and Grandmother. I must have been lonely. I mentioned that on Christmas Eve I was attending a cocktail party at the O club. For Christmas dinner I was invited to dine with my boss.

A week ago I stood my first "Officer of the Day watch" (OOD). I told Mom everything was going ok until 2300 when a fight broke out in the Enlisted Men's Club. I had the Shore Patrol bring in seven sailors. We were going to put them in the drunk tank in the brig but we could not because the brig was full. A day in the life of Ensign Scott, USN.