Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday January 5, 2010

Wednesday morning, my easy day and it starts off as usual with Ms P and I going out at 0445 so she can do her bidness. I go back to bed and did not get up until 0730. We had a dusting of snow last night but I still shoveled. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. I had the weekday special. Bill's must be having furnace problems because everyone was complaining about how cold it was. I only read the DFP because I will read the WSJ when I get my oil changed this afternoon.

I got home about 1100 and just had time to check my email. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a 30 minute swim. I had the pool all to myself. What happened to all the New Year's resolutions?

After the MAC I headed to Berger Chevy to get my C2 serviced. I did not have to wait because the service bay was empty. There were 5 guys waiting to service my car. No sooner had I sat down to read the WSJ when they announced that my car was ready. I had not read one article. If I did not have any reading material they would have taken 90 minutes.

My next stop was Gazelle Sport's to buy a pair of running mittens. Mittens folks not gloves! Mittens keep your hand warmer because they allow more circulation. Gazelle is at the temporary location while their store undergoes a major renovation. My final stop was Robbins Lock shop. Yesterday I locked my keys in my car. I know that is not too bright but I did have a spare taped to the underside of the car. I bought a new key holder.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. She gets cabin fever too. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing on my computer. I have not checked my Facebook page since before our Hawaii trip. Not much happening on facebook. I called Debbie and asked her how to remove an AP for my itouch. She showed me. She also helped me with my Facebook account.

We had cereal for dinner and then I watched the news and read the GRP. I also started watching a Bourne Identity movie and did not get upstairs until 1015.

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