Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday January 24, 2011

It was another cold morning with the temperature in single digits. Ms P wanted to go outside at 0600. After taking Ms P outside instead of going back to bed I got dressed and headed outside to shovel the walk. We got a light dusting of snow last night. I fired up the C2 before I started shoveling. I had a warm ride to the MAC.

I did my busy Monday schedule and was done before 1000. On my way home I stopped at Breton Village to get some supplies. My first stop was Rite Aid to buy some big bandages for my skinned right forearm. I then stopped at D&W to buy some apples. When I got home I changed the bandage on my arm, had an apple and then walked to the Kava House. I drank my coffee and read the papers.

When I returned from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then finished yesterday's blog. It is now 1441 and I am going downstairs to put a new dead bolt on the front door. If I have time I will also put one on the back door. 2043: I put the dead bolts on both doors. After this chore I went outside and shoveled the drive and walk. I finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

I had cereal for dinner tonight. I watched the news and read the GRP. Nancy will not be home until about 2200. I left the light on.

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