Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday January 10, 2011

Another winter Monday morning and mine began at 0500 when Ms P and I stepped outside. The temperature was in the low teens but it was very clear. Ms P and I went back to bed and I slept in until 0730. I bundled up and started walking to the MAC. I left at 0800 and it was just getting light. By the time I got to the MAC the sun was coming out. I have started doing dead lifts three days a week. I am beginning with 80 pounds but I think I could do more. However, my shoulder is doing so well I don't want a setback so I will start slow and easy. Mondays routine always take longer because I also give my head it's weekly shave. I left the MAC about 1130.

Today instead of going to Starbuck in Breton Village I got a to-go coffee at the Omelet Shop. I sat in an easy chair in the Mall and read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had a number of articles on the Detroit Auto Show. A lot of optimism exists in Detroit over this show. Is Detroit back? However, the WSJ had an article on the Hotel Ponce located across from the auto show detailing how far a once great hotel could fall. The hotel is now closed.

I walked home and it was a great winter's day. I encountered a bright sun with not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was in the low 20's. I did not get home until almost 1400. After a quick lunch Nancy and I along with Ms P headed to William's Kitchen and Bath store. We wanted to get some ideas for new fixtures in the master bath. We got some good ideas and were able to eliminate some ideas that just wouldn't work. It was a productive trip.

I want to watch the football game tonight so I took a 30 minute nap. Tonight was cereal night and Nancy cut up some strawberries to put on the cereal. It is now 2025 so I will take a short break to watch the football game.

I watched the first half but I got tired so I went to bed. About 2400 I could not sleep so I came downstairs and turned on the TV. I watched the last 2 minutes of the game and saw the most exciting part of the game. I wanted Oregon to win but it was a great game.

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