Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday January 16, 2011

I got up with Ms P at 0630. I got back to bed in time to push the snooze. Nancy and I followed our normal Sunday routine and headed to the MAC for a swim. Today the pool was empty so we did not have to share a lane. We both swam for 45 minutes. Of course after the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read the GRP and then took a short nap. The phone rang while I was just starting my snooze. The caller was Tom Cassell an old high school friend. Tom after retiring as a long haul trucker is now living in Alpena. We talked for about 90 minutes. It is always great to take a trip down memory lane.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block. I then put on my bear claw grippers and went on a 2.25 mile walk. The grippers did not work very well with all the loose snow on the sidewalks. Nancy made a great salad for dinner tonight. She used the chicken left over from last night's dinner. I watched part of the Pats/Jets game and then 60 minutes. We headed upstairs at 2100.

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