Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday January 19, 2011

We all slept in until a little after 0600. I got dressed and headed to the Kava House in Missy's car to get us some coffee. I stopped to get gas for her car because it was nearly empty. I have always been told that in winter it is best to keep your gas tank full because of condensation. Gas has gone up to $3.20.

At a little after 0800 I got the C2 out and drove Missy to the airport. Her flight out of GR is at 1015. When I got home I put the car seat in the Taurus. Nancy has a 0930 Doctor's appointment so AJ and Grandpa were left alone. We played some and then watched Dora on TV. I wanted to take her out to go sledding. AJ wanted to watch TV. Thus started the first Grandpa/AJ conflict. It ended in a tie.

Nancy got home at 1030 so I took off to Bill's for breakfast. I had their super special. It was good but the restaurant is still cold. I did read the DFP and WSJ. As I was leaving I told the staff that I would see them next spring when it warms up.

Nancy had a board meeting at Meijer's this afternoon. AJ and I were again left alone. At 1300 I took her upstairs to take her nap. We had no conflict. I also took a nap. Nancy got home about 1430 and AJ was still sleeping. Nancy started making cookies for AJ.

I took the Taurus to the car wash and then stopped by Modern Hardware to buy three new lock sets for our doors. These are the locks recommended by Eagle Security.

When I got home I noted that there were sled marks on the hill. Nancy had tried out the sled. AJ wanted to slide some more so we all went outside. Our little hill is great for two year olds. I found a rope in the garage and attached it to the sled. I walked AJ around the block. She likes riding in the sled.

Nancy got a call from Veronica this afternoon. Veronica said that Lucas did very well on his tests. The extended Scott Team is very proud.

I also worked in a 3.3 mile walk this afternoon. For dinner Nancy had a TV dinner, I had cereal and AJ had Grandma's special. We read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 all three of us went upstairs.

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