Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday January 7, 2011

Ms P and I went outside at 0500. It had snowed overnight so I shoveled a small area. I went back to bed and got up at 0630. The temperature was in the low teens this morning. When I got outside Nancy had finished her area. We only had about an inch of fluffy snow so I was done in 20 minutes. It was hard walking in the new snow so whenever possible I walked in a cleared street. My shoulder continues to heal. I am slowing building up my strength so I can do a chin-up. The MAC has several machines that are helping.

I had my morning coffee at D&W's Starbucks. I have come to the conclusion that Starbucks coffee is too strong for me and it is upsetting my stomach. I will change my game plan on Monday. I got home about 1245 and Nancy had already left to see the Princess Diana display at the Art Museum. She is going with Linda Moleski.

I had a quick lunch and then because I was still cold I turned on the blanket and took a short nap. It has been snowing all day and I am heading outside now to shovel again. It is 1630 and tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

Great Lakes Shipping was very crowded tonight. After dinner we stopped at Breton Village to check things out during their sales weekend. We bought nothing. Not much on TV. I watched a western with Robert Duval and Kevin Costner. At 2100 Bob and Nancy were in bed.

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