Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday January 13, 2011

Up at 0500 do my early morning chores and then back to bed. I got up at 0700 and hustled to get ready so I could ride with Nancy to the MAC. We got to the MAC slightly after 0800 and several folks commented that I was early. I usually get to the MAC after 0900. I did my routine and then started walking home. I did stop at Breton Village for coffee and a chance to read the morning papers. It was a good day for a walk.

I had a quick lunch and then got in the C2 and headed to the dentist. They took x-rays and cleaned my teeth. Everything was ok. After the dentist I filled up the C2 and then headed to Rylee's Hardware store to buy some attachments for Nancy's gym bag. I have an plan for fixing her bag. I love Rylee's they try very hard to give the best service. They know that they have to provide better service the big box stores. They even had free M&M cookies. I never got a cookie at Home Depot, did you?

My last errand was the eye doctor. He checked my contact prescription and gave me an eye exam. I passed with flying colors. I headed home to pick up Nancy and head for Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. After dinner I dropped Nancy off and drove to the BP station for gas. I gave the attendant a $50 bill and put $50 worth of gas in the tank. The Taurus has a 17 gallon tank. We watched a little TV and read the GRP. I headed upstairs at 2030 to start writing this blog. We have to get up early tomorrow because the weatherman said we are getting 3" of new snow.

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