Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday January 8, 2011

This morning was the coldest morning of this winter. It was 4⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0430. Luckily it had not snowed last night. Nancy had her early morning Body Pump class so she was the first to leave. I left about 0745 and it was still dark. However, the days are getting longer. We now have about 12 minutes more daylight. Bill's was crowded this morning. I had their pancake and eggs special.

Nancy and I got home at the same time. On this cold morning Ms P does not waste any time doing her bidness. I headed upstairs to check my email. I also checked the historical mean daily temperature for places like Alpena, GR, Cleveland, San Jose and Long Beach. The low mean temperature flat lines for several weeks each winter. The following is the historical mean low temperature and dates:

Alpena, Mi, 18⁰ from 1/26 to 2/2
Grand Rapids, 22⁰ from 1/11 to 2/1
Cleveland, 25⁰ from 1/15 to 1/27
San Jose, 49⁰ from 12/21 to 1/4
Long Beach, 56⁰ from 12/24 to 1/3

Long Beach and San Jose are lucky their coldest days are behind them. Aren't all you folks glad I retired so you can disseminate all this good information? I delivered a package to a neighbor for Nancy this afternoon and then took a 30 minute walk. Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's for dinner.

We met at 1800 at Sharitz's a place that specializes in Persian food. I had a lamb shank and it was great. After dinner we retired to the Namey's for dessert. We left about 2100 and headed home. I watched the end of the Colts/Jets game and headed to bed about 2300.

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