Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday January 21, 2011

AJ started crying late last night. Finally Nancy got up and told her to go to sleep. She did. Nothing like a mother's touch. The temperature was about 10⁰ when I took Ms P out at 0615. She did her bidness in record time. I got dressed and shoveled the drive and walk. We got about 1.5" of light snow. At 0800 we loaded the Taurus and headed to the MAC. Like yesterday AJ is going to day-care at the MAC.

I performed my normal Friday routine. I stopped by Macatawa Bank to make a withdrawal. It was very cold walking. I stopped by Breton Village, drank my coffee and read the papers.

I mentioned in yesterday's blog that the Gov gave his State of the State talk on Wednesday. A big debate is brewing on the Gov's proposal to end individual pricing on each item on a store's shelf. Only MI and MA have this requirement. The Gov says that this is very expensive, $2B, and unnecessary. All stores have scanners and you can even buy an app that will scan an item. I agree with the Gov. However, unions and seniors are up in arms. What makes MI and MA seniors dumber than the other 48 states. In the competitive grocery business the elimination of the individual pricing will result in lower prices to the public.

The sun came out while I was in Breton Village. I walked home in bright sunshine. It was an ideal day for a good winter's walk. When I got home Nancy said that AJ had a time-out at the MAC. However, she did realize her mistake and ended the session on good terms. We had a quick lunch and then AJ and I took a nap.

Missy is coming in at 1820 and we will meet her at the airport. We are planning on having dinner at Olga's. At 1730 we all got in the Taurus and headed to the airport. On our way we stopped at Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription. We waited in the cell phone lot for Missy to call. Cell phone lots are a great idea. Missy called and we picked her up and headed to Olga's. After dinner we watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

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