Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0500 for our morning chores. I went back to bed and then the alarm goes off at 0545. Today is Breakfast Club day and I have to shovel before I leave. We had about 1/4" of snow over night so it did not take long to shovel. It was cold, 18⁰, and dark as I headed to Breakfast Club. The meeting was lightly attended. I suspect most folk are in warm climates. The speaker today was the lady who runs our silent observer program. She gave a very good presentation.

After BC I stopped by the Kava House to read the DFP. Today's paper was dedicated to Brady Hoke being hired as the new UM football coach and the Detroit Auto show. I am now sitting in my office typing this blog. At 1130 I will head to the MAC for a 30' swim. I also have a 1400 GRBA meeting in city hall. This evening is book club so Tom Moleski and I are going out for a pizza.

The pool was empty during my swim. I would have thought that the 1200 to 1300 hour would have been a good time for a working person to get in a swim. After the swim I headed downtown to the GRBA meeting. It was a very short meeting, 45 minutes.

I took Nancy's gym bag to the shoe repair shop in McKay Tower to get fixed. However, Peggy, the owner had gotten rid of her sewing machine. I must come up with Plan B. I did talk to Larry the owner of the frame shop . It had been some time since we had talked. Larry said that business was bouncing back after a bad two years. He is now a grandfather and will start Social Security next month. He is still an avid sports fan.

When I got home I took a 30 minute walk. I must practice what I preach. As I mentioned earlier I met Tom Moleski for pizza and beer at Vitales on Leonard. I had a great ham and pineapple pizza. Is there a bad pizza? I was home by 2000 and started watching another Jason Bourne movie. Nancy got home from book club about 2030. She went straight to bed but Ms P and I stayed up and watched the movie to the end.

Today, Wednesday, and I talked to all three kids. It is unusual that I have an opportunity to talk on a week day. They all have busy schedules. It is always good to talk to the kids.

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