Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday January 11, 2011

I tossed and turned all night. It was tough getting up at 0500 but Ms P insisted. I completed the morning chores and then went back to bed and got up for real at 0730. I left for the MAC at 0800. The weatherman said it would snow this morning but I encountered no snow on my walk to the MAC. I left the MAC at 1030 and bought my coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the Breton Village Mall to read my papers. The DFP continues to report heavily on the auto show. I was surprised of the overlap on stories in both the WSJ and DFP.

It was snowing hard when I left Breton Village. My coat was covered with snow when I got home. I took Ms P on a walk around the block. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I am working on our end of year financial statement. I did get several calls this afternoon. I am mentioning these calls because they are so rare. First my sister called and wanted to know if I left a message on her cell. I did not but we talked anyway. She said the temperature was in the low 60s in Tucson and I said we had 25. Helen and Don are going to Phoenix this weekend to see Andrew Short, Don' grandson, race. He is a elite motocross rider.

I also got a call from my eye doctor's office wanting to know how my new glasses were working. I told her my glasses were ok but the contact did not appear as sharp. We compared notes and it appears they gave me the wrong kind. I am going in on Thursday to get checked out.

Nancy warmed up some of her world famous vegetable beef soup for dinner. After dinner I watched the news and then went outside to shovel. We had about 3/4" of snow. We watched NCIS and then headed to bed.

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