Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday January 4, 2011

I forgot to mention in yesterdays blog that during my visit to the office I had the opportunity to talk to Carol Kind and Barb. They said they had a great holiday and gave me an update on their families. It is always good to talk to young folks.

Today I got up at 0445 and took Ms P outside. We got about 2" of snow overnight. After feeding Ms P I went back to bed and got up again at 0645. Nancy had an early class so we headed outside to shovel the walk. We are a great snow shoveling team. Our concrete is always the cleanest in the neighborhood. I walked to the MAC and as usual ended up at Breton Village for coffee and the WSJ and DFP. Is Rich Rod leaving? This was the big question in the DFP.

I was very tired when I got home at 1300 so after lunch I took a short nap. After the nap I started catching up on my blogs. Nancy had several books at the OH Library so I walked over and picked them up for her. It was snowing this afternoon so I will have to shovel tomorrow.

I got an email from my high school friend Tom Collins. I enjoy reconnecting with high school chums. Nancy fixed a chicken breast and baked potato for dinner. We had some of Carol Smith's home made wine. It was pretty good. I watched the news and some of the Ohio State football game. NCIS was not on at it usual time this evening. It is on at 2200 and I will be sound asleep. I hope!

Tomorrow I will start refining the family tree. In addition to working on the family tree, Nancy and I have several projects we want to complete this winter. The first is the master bathroom.

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