Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday January 3, 2011

Monday morning and I walk to the MAC. I am still performing at 50%. Nancy took AJ to the MAC and left her in day care while she attended her classes. AJ enjoyed day care and was well behaved. I had my morning coffee at Breton Village and read the DFP. I got home in time to take Missy and AJ to lunch at Olga's. Nancy did not want lunch but she went along and did some OHNA banking in Gaslight Village.
After lunch Missy and AJ got ready for their trip back to Lakewood. I encouraged them to hurry because winter storm warnings were posted. About 30 minutes after Missy left it started to snow hard. Missy called after she got home and said that they encountered little traffic and the roads were clear.

I got in the C2 and headed to the bank to renew a CD. I was surprised at how low the interest rates were! After the bank I stopped by the office and picked up some of my personal stuff. My old office space has been cleared out. I stored the wall mountings in the basement until I find a place to put them.

Monday night and it was cereal for dinner. I also finished some wine left over from our New Year's Day get together. We watched the news and some football and then headed to bed. Today was a back to normal day.

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